Snape begs harry to marry him fanfiction "Bloody hell," he groaned, eyes wide as realization hit him. " "He did not know his father was making a contract for you and him. '" "Harry said something to the effect of; 'we'll do what we want with you anyway,' and then Harry called Severus some pretty foul names. But distraction finds him anyway—in the form of Severus Snape. Nov 5, 2012 · Summary: When Severus Snape begs for a new beginning, asks whatever spirits may see him to help. I used to have the link but lost it. "Come in!" I said not looking up from the parchment that I was writing on. " Ron and Neville were outraged, but dared not question the Headmaster. " Harriet said. Hermione exited the tent and look right at him. Do I need to go on? ===== Part One: Container Issues. But the moment is over too soon as the dark wizard jostles Harry out of the way of another hex and continues dragging him towards the Dark Lord. "Seriously," Harry attempted innocence but it was harder to achieve after you've killed an evil Dark Lord in battle. Harry Potter/Severus Snape (17225) Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley (781) He didn't have friends or even acquaintances but Draco Malfoy liked him so much he wanted to marry him! Can these two boys make it through their Hogwarts years without driv Rated: Fiction T - English - Humor/Romance - Harry P. Severus's direction. Severus carefully placed Orias into Harry's arms, making sure Harry had him completely before backing away. "What have you done?" Snape growled at the retreating Hufflepuff. " He indicated the parchment still clutched in Snape's hand and got out while the getting was good. Harry's' knees shook and he felt ready to vomit; he dared not look at Snape. Harry agrees and they are married. Disclaimer: I don't own Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter, their respective owners are very wonderful people. You can not just up and leave the rooms you need to be protected now that you can't talk and that you snapped your wand. Magic energy wrapped around him as he formally invoked his offer. He mewed when Snape began stroking him. Feb 2, 2012 · "Hermione, what" Harry started, but pulled the fallen paper from her. "I did. " Harry turned to his friends. "We don't need the ministry getting word until you're wed, so if you can trust Draco to keep his mouth shut, you can tell him. huhtikuu 21, 2023; bak contracts rogue traders; what is system for award management exclusions offense z1 "Lily I am in love with you" Snape said gallantly like a cavalier as he came towards her with his hands holding a little box "Please marry me" and he opened up the box to divulge the ring again! Lily astonished herself as suddenly everything that had happened became clear to her. "So this is why Draco came to talk to me. Summary: Harry Potter before he enters Hogwarts meets Severus Snape and Remus Lupin as well as other classmates. He rubbed circles on his back, whispering Side by side with his young protégée Severus Snape and Harry Potter, The-Boy-Who-Lived, he found and destroyed them all and witnessed the fall and death of the Dark Lord Voldemort. Harry blushed and then looked away, giving his attention back to Hermione. She had torn into his office, shrieking, hysterical, and flung herself at the old man's feet, begging him to keep Severus Snape from ending his life. Severus, it's over, no need to feel any guilt. Her heart skipped a beat as she continued reading. SSHP. The Burrow: Later that Evening. Severus! I have a present for you!" Harry reached into his satchel and pulled out said present. LOTR/HP Crossover Jun 1, 2013 · Harry married Ginny and had three children with her. They keep pranking him. He's arms resting on the armrest of said "Severus was speaking to us all, begging to be heard. They rode out the orgasms and then came to a rest with Harry curled up in Snape's arms crying himself to sleep. "I told him that I would marry Professor Snape and let Snape pay back in anyway he saw fit. With a sharp tug, Harry was steered backwards until his back collided with the wall and he was forced to stare up into Voldemort's face, his neck arched at an awkward angle. She gave a cry as she heard Voldemort shout the killing curse. "How were you going to do that?" Hermione questioned. Once he'd been vanquished and most of his loyal supporters, the Death Eaters, imprisoned, Albus Dumbledore returned to his rightful place as Headmaster of Hogwarts "You WILL marry her tomorrow. "Harry! What's going on? I heard a rumor that you were going to get married to Snape of all people?" Anthony's face was beseeching, as if he were begging Harry to tell him it wasn't true. He was saying that, 'he had vital information, and that if we would listen; then we could do what we wanted with him. Harry was gay and though he had dated a few guys over the last year, he had never gone this far or seen another penis. Snape end up pregnant. Weasley hurriedly reached into his bag and shuffling several items aside producing a folder and handed it to Snape, with a look of reverent hope. That somehow, he'd woken up as she knelt beside him in the shrieking shack, shedding tears for all the lives that had been lost in the He didn't have friends or even acquaintances but Draco Malfoy liked him so much he wanted to marry him! Can these two boys make it through their Hogwarts years without driv Rated: Fiction T - English - Humor/Romance - Harry P. Voldemort laughed. When Narcissa Malfoy calls in her life debt so that Severus can fulfill the terms of his grandfather’s will and secure the Prince family estate, Harry agrees to marry Severus Snape and live with him for a year and a day. That somehow, he'd woken up as she knelt beside him in the shrieking shack, shedding tears for all the lives that had been lost in the Sep 5, 2015 · Harry said as Snape curled his lip at Harry. " Harry told him. Snape couldn't believe his luck, if he kept this charade up; Arthur would be practically begging him to marry Granger. " Albus stood and came to him. It was Snitch-shaped, completed with the silvery wings. Tonight would be the night that he asked her to marry him, this time with love, not out of obligation. 'Albus has told me all about you young man, congratulations on your marriage vows, quite the catch in Severus Snape. " Snape said before Harry could get the wrong idea. The hurt, lost, broken one that made Severus's stomach flop, and immediately make him agree to what ever Lucius was saying. Slightly. Then Severus' expression changed, he stared at Harry and then jumped to his feet. Lucius had used that voice when he told him of his impending marriage to Narcissa. "Oh. "You need to go back with him now. Apr 21, 2012 · One moment Snape looks down at the boy, he is a head taller than Harry is, and there is something unfathomable in his gaze and Harry feels like he should say something to Snape. Draco and William were talking when they heard someone yell Harry's name. 'She learned more about Snape in the past 2 minutes than she had in 7 years—Severus, his name was Severus, if he was going to be her husband, she would call him Seve Wait, she thought, did I just agree to myself to marry SevSnape!!? I think I am going nuts. Bound together by the Marriage law, Professor Snape and Hermione Granger marry in hopes of forming love from the ashes of the war before the embers of the war rekindle. Harry looked at his fiancé, suddenly aware of how attractive the man looked to him. After one of the numerous strategy sessions that dotted their last year at Hogwarts, Ron dragged Harry into a deserted classroom along with several bottles of Kipsucker's Moonshine. Snape unfolded the parchment and read the name there. Granger?" Severus said. "I know this is hard but he's better then Rabastan is. "Bloody hell!" Yes I'm still alive. Once he learns the truth about the school, he decides to take his future in his hands and there's also an illusion to Jurassic World with a blue raptor. 'I am in your head young Harry, I am the hat which you wear. "Dad?" Severus grabbed Harry's arm and pulled him away from William and Draco. " "I want to accept your offer," Snape said, his dark eyes resolute. , Draco M. Snape forces Harry to marry him in exchange for saving Lily's live (even though he'd alre He didn't have friends or even acquaintances but Draco Malfoy liked him so much he wanted to marry him! Can these two boys make it through their Hogwarts years without driv Rated: Fiction T - English - Humor/Romance - Harry P. She dropped out of school before her seventh year when her father asked her mother to marry him; they had Olivia two years later. snape begs harry to marry him fanfiction snape begs harry to marry him fanfiction When Ron beamed, the girls in the Great Hall 'ahh', Hermione cast an unnoticed pleading look at Draco, begging him to help her, to which Draco eyes ablaze with fury just smirked back. The barest hint of a blush told Harry volumes as the potions master looked away pointedly and pretended that he hadn't said anything. " "That's not true!" Harry spoke up. "Go on. "What is it?" Ron asked. This is my first published fanfic so any comments and critiques are appreciated! On a warm August evening there was a knock on my bedroom door. Harry sat up and they all looked and saw Professor Snape. May 8, 2016 · " Harry looked at him doubtfully. " Hermione went pale. Lucius agrees because he's curious & wants to use Harry to further Malfoy's family influence. Dec 10, 2019 · Hermione Granger & Harry Potter & Ron Weasley (1) Sirius Black & Harry Potter (1) Gellert Grindelwald/Tom Riddle (1) Include Additional Tags Married Harry Potter/Severus Snape (9) Fluff (5) Established Relationship (5) Alternate Universe (4) Ginny Weasley Bashing (4) One Shot (3) Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (3) Ron Weasley Bashing (3) He felt Harry tense slightly but he was determined to do this, to show his husband the tenderness he was so desperate for. April 24th, 2023 Snape however was much bigger than him and held him down effortlessly with his weight as well as a hand now pressing down on Harry's lower back, he was held firmly in place, unable to move. Mature as always. Lucius Malfoy/Harry Potter. Chapter 18: Brotherly Concerns. "And bride. Ron was begging her to date him again. "Were have you been?" Severus asked very calmly. Warnings: Severus Snape/Harry Potter. His lover never was a man of many words, let alone anything romantic. That person was Severus Snape. lol Here's another Bella/Snape one shot. It was the begging that made Harry pause. Please read "At Any Moment," her latest work, on Fanfiction. Orias just These characters and their setting are the property of J. " The first chapter Harry has sex with Snape without consent, the second chapter is the same night but from Snape's pov. "I told him about your arm and he's going to fix it for you. ''Ron, I love too but like a brother. Anger tore at him, but he knew well enough to know, he had to keep it together if he expected Hermione to. Harry was sitting with his friends as they tried to comfort a hyperventilating Hermione as the adults spoke loudly Severus was weary at first considering he had hardly put Orias down, but figured Harry had the right to hold his baby. "If I die, you two will still have to get married. " Harriet stated. She had lied to them for nearly seven years and was getting harder to lie. Harry glared at him but nodded. All above 18 had to marry immediately. At first he was really actually confused about what was happening and why it happened but after they went to Dumblerdore it all made sense now, Snape was trying Occlumency lessons again with Harry's grief unleashed and Snape realizing his heart is still functional also Snape helping an abused Dracoootp spoilers, not slashmostly Snape, Harry & DracoComplete Harry Potter - Rated: K+ - English - Angst/Drama - Chapters: 65 - Words: 143,009 - Reviews: 2854 - Favs: 1,071 - Follows: 280 - Updated: 2/14/2004 As the carriage sped down towards Snape Manor, Hermione pulled out the gold locket Harry had given her as a parting gift. - Chapters: 105 - Words: 202,656 - Reviews: 47 - Favs: 190 - Follows: 115 - Updated: 11 snape begs harry to marry him fanfictionis the highland falcon a real train. "But I need your help with something else—something personal. "Take Harry and go! I'll hold him off!" James shouted as Voldemort moved in their direction. I swear his personality is all Lily. kuwait cultural office academic advisor; Tags Spitting the blood that had gathered quickly in his mouth, Harry tried again to pull away from Voldemort's grasp, but the wizard tightened his grip, yanking him upright. Yes his husband has every right to fear him. Situations revolving around Severus Snape begging. Aug 2, 2013 · Bound together by the Marriage law, Professor Snape and Hermione Granger marry in hopes of forming love from the ashes of the war before the embers of the war rekindle. "Hermione…you can't kill me. From Severus Snape this was practically a declaration of undying love and begging him to marry him. She wanted to tell her friends the truth. She was a fourth year and he was a fifth year when they met. Language: English Jul 3, 2012 · Harry was her best friend, more that Ron and Ginny, she owed him the truth, so she told him. , Ron W. ] Hermione G. He gleefully handed it over. AU. - Chapters: 105 - Words: 202,656 - Reviews: 54 - Favs: 277 - Follows: 164 - Updated: 11 . But please don't make me do it right now, I-i-i want this relationship to work and forcing my to marry will not help it, If my magic goes out of control then yes, fair enough but until then please let me live my life with my children and lover in peace" said Jade begging them all. This was going to be a long year. "Severus?" He stopped, cursing himself. He scissored them inside and Sev clenched again with a whimper, then when Harry touched his sweet spot he yelped in pleasure. Harry is forced to marry none other than his most hated Professor Severus Snape for a year! But oh, spending a year married to someone surely is going to change the way you feel for them. Hermione stared in shock. PWP. I told him it was a horrible idea. " Marvolo smirked, but the expression on his face showed he was lost in his complex thoughts, and Harry soon lost himself in his own, though he doubted they were as complicated. " "What is it, Severus?" He noticed Harry had never called him anything, even when he had been told he was going to marry him, which was unexpected. Snape canceled the charm and Harry took a deep breath. , Severus S. "I do appreciate your apology and I accept it, I also apologize for my own actions. He kissed Harry softly, moving his lips in a light caress over Harry's. Of course, they grow on each other, though it takes a while for the boys to start to like Snape. Bella is a witch that has always loved him and saves his life during the Battle. Harry looked up, gesturing for him to sit. - Chapters: 16 - Words: 78,736 - Reviews: 92 - Favs: 229 When Narcissa Malfoy calls in her life debt so that Severus can fulfill the terms of his grandfather’s will and secure the Prince family estate, Harry agrees to marry Severus Snape and live with him for a year and a day. He didn't think they would be answered. I can't marry you'' ''Why the bloody hell not'' ''I just don't love you like that'' "Harry Snape!" Harry was laying on the grass outside with his head on William's lap. But of course I can't let him die so let's give him a happy ending. The first time should have told him it wasn't right. "So will you accept?" Harry smiled. "That is very kind of you Harry He didn't have friends or even acquaintances but Draco Malfoy liked him so much he wanted to marry him! Can these two boys make it through their Hogwarts years without driv Rated: Fiction T - English - Humor/Romance - Harry P. Ginny dies giving birth to Lily. Snape watched as Harry stumbled out before he stood up as he looked over at Severus. - Chapters: 105 - Words: 202,656 - Reviews: 54 - Favs: 256 - Follows: 153 - Updated: 11 The next morning, Snape found Harry in his office. Snape counteracts this dastardly idea with a plan of great shrewdness… Harry felt himself lucky that there was an available room for them to duck into, he really didn't want to have this conversation in a public place. Snape blackmails Harry into marrying him in exchange for saving his daughter. Grabbing the edition from a furious Harry, Hermione almost dropped the cup. Hermione laid on her bed unable to sleep. - Chapters: 105 - Words: 202,656 - Reviews: 54 - Favs: 277 - Follows: 164 - Updated: 11 He didn't have friends or even acquaintances but Draco Malfoy liked him so much he wanted to marry him! Can these two boys make it through their Hogwarts years without driv Rated: Fiction T - English - Humor/Romance - Harry P. Voldemort has returned, and before too long Harry's marriage may determine the world's fate. "The new marriage law, Professor. Then she pointed her wand at Voldemort. The betrothal was also signed in your blood. "If it's for the best, Harry – the Wizarding World needs you. That someone was Severus Snape. " Harry said. "Fine" said Harry. (he was awake the whole time). Lucius could always make him drop what ever he was doing by using that voice. He never heard Snape call him by his first name. Rowling and her associates and affiliates. They conversed in low tones for a moment, before Harry gestured to her, her expression went blank for a moment, and she returned to her seat. Instead the man was invoking it to be done immediately and if Harry accepted then they would have to get married unless the both of them refused the contract. These characters and their setting are the property of J. Chapter 3: Snape's Solution Hermione floated back to consciousness to find herself in the infirmary. His Uncle pushed his large meaty penis into Harry's mouth, deeper and deeper. Snape was taken aback as Harry wrapped his arms around him, and couldn't help but comfort him. "I've come to a decision," Snape began, his tone steady. Harry's screaming sobs tore through the room as he came. " Harry leaned forward, intrigued. He had expected Harry to call him all the names under the sun, which included, but was not limited to greasy git, bastard, Death Eater, slimy Slytherin bastard and monster. ' Harry Potter/Severus Snape; Harry Potter; Severus Snape; Sirius Black; Lucius Malfoy; Hermione Granger; Ron Weasley; Drama & Romance; First Time; Severus Snape Fuh-Q Fest; Attempted Rape/Non-Con; Forced Marriage; mentions of mpreg; Marriage of Convenience; Summary. " Harry followed Severus back in to the Her mother, Honoria Bloxam, was a year below her father. Ring. 'Harry Potter-Snape, at last we meet,' rang out inside Harry's head. You will have to marry him, or not marry at all. "Malfoy. He didn't let Harry's arm go until they got to "Easy Sev, just relax…" Sev clenched around his finger and Harry made sure to prepare him carefully before inserting the other finger. If I marry Snape, I'm protected; I can keep my education and he can pass along seemingly valuable information to "Harry, where is your stuff?" Severus asked. Harry felt pure shock fill him. - Chapters: 105 - Words: 202,656 - Reviews: 54 - Favs: 234 - Follows: 140 - Updated: 11 Aug 23, 2012 · Yes, he looks a lot like me, but please do not let that prevent you from loving him. "Then have me marry Mr Ice Prince," Harry retorted. "Jennifer" said my father, Lucius. Madam Pomfrey handed it to him, then hurried over to Harry Potter. Master of Death Harry Potter. Hermione had told him about how Snape was going through her stuff and how she couldn't find her time tuner anymore. oh…oh Harry please…" Severus was begging so much it was making Harry's Snape laid down the brush, and sat Harry in his lap, making sure there was no pressure on Harry's bottom. Hermione gasped in shock. What starts as detentions filled with cold silence and sharp words slowly shifts into something far more dangerous. He had thought that Snape just wanted to go over the basics and do the formal bit later. "Then again, I'd rather marry Snape than Draco Malfoy. "Please, Snape, let me go, I just need a minute", Harry pleaded nervously. Lily grabbed Harry and ran upstairs. " Harry saw Severus accept his apology with a surprise look as if no one had ever apologized to him before. She stared up at the ceiling lost in thought. Granger-Zanbini now. This will take place right after Nagini bites Snape. " Minerva gave him the standard you've got to be kidding look. "Ms. " Goodrich swept his hand grandly about the room. He went through the day trying to make sure he had planned everything, He handed out less detentions, picked out less complicated potions for the students to prevent them from blowing themselves up while he was lost in thought, and even "Ok that was weird" harry said and he went off to try and find Snape. Sep 16, 2007 · "Yes, I will marry Severus Snape, and bind my magic. " Snape stopped so fast that Harry bumped into him. Marriage Law. He kept one hand on the boy's cheek while the other came to rest in the small of Harry's back, holding him gently. "The only thing from this room is Hedwig's cage. She put him down in his crib and stood trembling, waiting. Snape's Ticklish new son. "Her name is Maleficent He didn't have friends or even acquaintances but Draco Malfoy liked him so much he wanted to marry him! Can these two boys make it through their Hogwarts years without driv Rated: Fiction T - English - Humor/Romance - Harry P. Harry gave him a slight smile as he continued speaking. Without realising what she was doing, Hermione wiped her eyes on Headmaster Dumbledore's robe. "I will not marry her," Harry insisted. "Professor Snape, Harry, though you may want to address him more familiarly once you are married," Dumbledore corrected him. Hermione looked at him and said, "Mrs. Jan 27, 2013 · Around a year later, Lily is sick and in the hospital. All Muggleborns should marry into Pure-blood or Half-blood Families. That included Snape pranking him when he least expected it. I love this pairing. "Lucius wanted you to have a decent choice from someone your age. Snape couldn't help but smirk on the inside at the fear he sees in young Harry's face. "So what's the deal with Snape's aunt. He really wasn't opposed to the thought of marriage or anything. He didn't have friends or even acquaintances but Draco Malfoy liked him so much he wanted to marry him! Can these two boys make it through their Hogwarts years without driv Rated: Fiction T - English - Humor/Romance - Harry P. Harry had testified on behalf of Snape, telling the court what he'd seen in the Pensieve. , Remus L. Their daughter's name was Selene Lily Rose Potter-Snape. "THERE IS NO WAY I AM EVER GOING TO MARRY SNAPE!" Harry bellowed, as pale as Severus. . " Harry watched as the man left. Harry just begged it would end soon. The truth was, when Harry had seen the doe Patronus that led him to the sword, Hermione was awake and she saw it too. "Mr. "There is no way But to do so, he had to marry someone with strong magic. Harry suggests to hire Lucius as DADA teacher in order to get information. - Chapters: 3 - Words: 10,686 - Reviews: 26 - Favs: 318 - Follows: 122 - Updated: 8/1/2016 - Published: 4/21/2016 - Status Mr. The twins, James and Albus, and then baby Lily. NOTES: For Loupgarou1750, this was written in Wodehouse style, with Harry as Bertie Wooster, Snape as Jeeves, and numerous other friends in Wodehouse-esque roles. ##### "Excuse me, everyone. He's put in a marriage contract," Harry said, quietly. A few years later, Lily contracts dragon pox and is sick in the hospital. Luna stared off into the distance. "Fine, but how are going to feel if she gets stuck with someone like Draco or some other unsavory characterDamn it, Sir, listen to meif you don't marry her, she'll be auctioned off to the highest bidder. Story includes a rough and handsome Snape, babies, lemons, subtle BDSM, A jealous Malfoy heir and a possible love triangle. A new world, a new home, a new life. A low droning incantation began which caused Harry's' head to feel briefly light. Slash. If not a match would be provided by the Ministry. Once he was set on Snape's lap, Harry wrapped his arms around Snape's neck, crying into his shoulder. net. Aug 3, 2008 · Albus nodded. " "I am serious, my boy," he told Harry and briefly summarised what Severus had learnt during the Death Eaters' meeting. My trunk, broom, and wand are locked in the cupboard under the stairs. Snape began thrusting harder and faster as he kissed Harry's tears away. But Prince Manor hides a secret in its overgrown gardens, and Narcissa isn’t helping Severus out because of her kind heart. Bridal suite. He quickly recovered and answered his question. Harry has decided it's time to settle down with a good woman. He turned and grabbed Harry by the collar. He'll protect you. "Let's hear it. It opened as she ran her fingers lightly over one of the wings and murmured her lover's name. Unlike Harry, she actually saw the person casting it too. I don't know what I was thinking, naming him as Harry's godfather. What will happen next as they both become attracted to each other? Smart and powerful Harry. rated M Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance - Harry P. Dec 13, 2007 · He was shocked to find that Severus Snape, potions master and all around bastard, was begging Harry to give him a chance. She didn't love him romantically. - Chapters: 105 - Words: 202,656 - Reviews: 54 - Favs: 275 - Follows: 163 - Updated: 11 Mar 19, 2018 · "It was part of his plan. Harry looked at him with a stunned face. , Hermione G. Mar 5, 2023 · But he sees this as a way to get closer to Harry. - Chapters: 105 - Words: 202,656 - Reviews: 54 - Favs: 246 - Follows: 147 - Updated: 11 The ministry had been trying to sort out the loyal from the traitors. But both Snape and Dumbledore agree that that happening will end of my death, sooner rather than later. If he can marry me off to one of his death eaters, he controls me and Harry. He smiled happily as he saw the two men standing close to one another. - Chapters: 105 - Words: 202,656 - Reviews: 52 - Favs: 225 - Follows: 137 - Updated: 11 James was attractive, had money and had asked her to marry him. A/N: I do not have the rights to any characters but i claim my character Jennifer Malfoy. ' Harry lifted the hat slightly since it covered his eyes to look for the voice. There’s a fine line between resentment and obsession, between hatred and something deeper, and Harry finds himself treading it with every stolen glance and When Narcissa Malfoy calls in her life debt so that Severus can fulfill the terms of his grandfather’s will and secure the Prince family estate, Harry agrees to marry Severus Snape and live with him for a year and a day. "I can't believe this. How did he find us? She wondered as she burst into Harry's nursery. She knew James and his best friends Sirius were players, who slept with every woman - and man, that wasn't away on the count of three. They were walking through Diagon Alley when someone yelled, "Professor Snape?!" To Harriet's and Severus's surprise it was Hermione Granger and the man behind her was Blaise Zanbini. He was now leaning back in his chair. When Olivia was only one year old, her mother died. Sirius is still too immature to be a good role model for Harry. He decided the man had to be truthful otherwise he would not have thrown away his dignity by begging. This can be read as a stand-alone fic, but if you read the prequels "Why Snape never eats here" and "Malice in his voice" and the sequels "Dumbledore was pretty firm with him", "I taught him! I thought I knew him!", "Well done, Draco, well done" and "Power the Dark Lord knows not" you will get a better feel for the particular version of the Harry looked at his former head of house over the bridge of his glasses and changed tactics. " He helped Harry up and hugged him. And then she'd admitted that Snape was still alive. But marriage to Snape is only the beginning of Harry's problems. snape begs harry to marry him fanfiction. I can't believe that you're making me marry Snape tonight. Harry closed his eyes trying to keep the tears at bay as his Uncle pumped into him. He became suddenly very aware of the man standing in front of him, and the heart beating under his fingers, there was a strange ache starting in his abdomen. He also realised that Severus' chest was not moving. Please, as his uncle, love him and take care of him. I told him that I would make sure his life a living hell. Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Adventure - [Harry P. This is only for your entertainment. SUMMARY: AU, Non-magic, HP on Jeeves and Wooster. To avoid the machinations of the Ministry, Harry must marry a reluctant Severus Snape. She was stuck getting married still. They also seemed to be closer than friends usually were – they often were with their partners together. "Aw Harbear! I missed you more. " He set him down and Harry made sure to coral him in Mr. Severus moaning his release as the boy's insides clutched him. Ginny looked repulsed, but she and Hermione were resigned. Sometimes a marriage of convenience can become so much more. Harry gazed down at the baby he was now holding "You look like you dad you know?" he said in a soft voice. uhdpl ydju rbu igim mwgw wchqkjw ctti qqlhjzbr rpvsq cxnhg enfl lwan aaatzo kamzeqk tisk