Microk8s vs k3s raspberry pi reddit. Mine has been running non-stop for 3 months.
Microk8s vs k3s raspberry pi reddit K3s seemed like a good fit at first, but my efforts to set it up in high-availability mode were not successful. But we're a little more advanced than that. Did you ever try kubeadm on the raspberry pi? I used microk8s for like a month and then switched to kubeadm on my workstation. Preferably one that has a list of all the parts required. Don't need to be HA or anything like that, but not sure if this would work. Reply mrflippant • I can't really decide which option to chose, full k8s, microk8s or k3s. g. Raspberry pi k3s cluster to speed up home "server"? I am currently running a Pi 4B connected to a HDD enclosure. Currently running fresh Ubuntu 22. Full k8s. I evaluated three configurations for my 4-node Raspberry Pi 4b cluster using Ubuntu 19. 4xlarge 32GiB server. 关于k3s,更准确的说法是它使用的是containerd,而不是内置了Docker。从MicroK8s的行为来看,它看起来是在运行Docker。 我计划进一步调查了解使用两种嵌入式Docker命令可以做些什么(例如构建等)。 4. I have a Pi cluster using Flux2 and a gitops repo for all of my helmrelease files. Hi I recently bought a server rack mount for 4 Raspberry Pi 4B as I want to try out and learn kubernetes. Counter-intuitive for sure. For example, in a raspberry py, you wouldn't run k3s on top of docker, you simply run k3s directly. So far I’ve tried k3s with the cloud provider disabled, but it still used around 0. Using whatever computer and components available, such as the raspberry pi or Banana Pi, create a magic mirror to thrill your friends and family. I installed k3s on everything and deployed a test application which worked. 3 Raspberry Pi's, or 3 "proper" servers which themselves connect to 100 data collectors (which use MQTT since it's simpler to implement and a ESP8266 can do that). Yes, it is possible to cluster the raspberry py, I remember one demo in which one guy at rancher labs create a hybrid cluster using k3s nodes running on Linux VMs and physical raspberry py. It runs a openmediavault, wireguard VPN, pihole, and my self-made "home assistant" program (written mostly in python with a VueJS frontend that can control plug sockets and pi zero based security cameras in my house as well as some Hey there! I’ve been using one raspberry pi for a while with a docker-compose setup and it was a great experience: everything is stored in a git repo and easy to set up. FWIW, I moved almost all my pi stuff to containers on the NUC under docker-compose very Oct 29, 2024 · 除了最新版本的Ubuntu外,snap 还可以部署在各种平台上,包括Linux Mint、Raspberry Pi OS和Arch Linux。 由于Microk8s基于snap,因此可以通过单个命令轻松部署。比如在Ubuntu 18. K3s is especially made with less of the features that K8s has, that you wouldn't use anyway running a bare-metal setup. I cannot really recommend one over the other at the moment. I don't see a compelling reason to move to k3s from k0s, or to k0s from k3s. Incredible how many people are trying to dissuade you from choosing a Pi. Full k8s allows things like scaling and the ability to add additional nodes. Based on personal experience, I have only worked with Cloud managed K8S clusters (AKS, EKS) for over an year. Using virtual environments such as VMWare or VirtualBox, k3s also allows you to run a simple, secure, and well-optimized Kubernetes environment in your local development machine. Plus, k3s is a certified Kubernetes distribution, so you’ll still be working with a version of Kubernetes that adheres to standards set by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. (no problem) As far as I know microk8s is standalone and only needs 1 node. At the beginning of this year, I liked Ubuntu's microk8s a lot, it was easy to setup and worked flawlessly with everything (such as traefik); I liked also k3s UX and concepts but I remember that at the end I couldn't get anything to work properly with k3s. It integrates with today's leading enterprise standards, including any directory service, storage or hypervisor. 10. I have a k8s cluster with x86 and arm nodes. Also runs Vagrant+VirtualBox great if you want to go VMs instead (or in addition to containers). Edit: I think there is no obvious reason to why one must avoid using Microk8s in production. So went ahead and installed K3s without the service lb but kept traefik. sudo snap install microk8s --classic --channel=1. which one to choose for a newbie webapp in nodejs, postgresql. (A big win for anyone who wants to use an ExFAT formatted external drive with Raspberry Pi!) A few months back, Raspberry Pi engineers released a 64-bit kernel for beta testing. It is marketed by Rancher as a lightweight Kubernetes offering suitable for edge environments, IoT devices, CI pipelines, and even ARM devices, like Raspberry Pi's. 168. I have a raspberry pi 4 (4gb) that I want to cluster w/ an old laptop (and eventually 2 other old laptops, I figured I would start w/ 1 then go from there). It is also the best production grade Kubernetes for appliances. Found various articles over the past couple years about how to set up K3S on raspberry pi in a cluster Despite my best efforts in using the articles. With k3s, the user experience doesn't change just because one edge case was triggered. A couple of downsides to note: you are limited to flannel cni (no network policy support), single master node by default (etcd setup is absent but can be made possible), traefik installed by default (personally I am old-fashioned and I prefer nginx), and finally upgrading it can be quite disruptive. I use k3sup to set up K3s with its embedded etcd mode (3x "servers") and the rest are workers. Am I disappointed, NO. The ARM processor on the Raspberry Pi can switch between 32-bit and 64-bit mode, which allows 32-bit userspace to run on a 64-bit kernel. May 21, 2020 · In our case, I'm sticking with K3s. Also K3s CRI by default is containerd/runc and can also use docker and cri-o. Aug 14, 2023 · Explore a comparison of microk8s vs k3s, two lightweight Kubernetes distributions - installation, performance, deployment scenarios, and more May 31, 2021 · From the perspective of ease of use, pick k3d if you prefer docker, otherwise use k0s. I still can't get it working. If you need a bare metal prod deployment - go with . It is a very enterprise level problem. Longhorn isn't a default for K3s, is just a storage provider for any K8s distro. 1 (arm64) for IoT: microk8s k3s + HA embedded DB I was thinking to have a SSD only for the OS and run K3s agent, and have only 1 Raspberry PI with a external SSD mounted (additional to the SD for the OS). It does give you easy management with options you can just enable for dns and rbac for example but even though istio and knative are pre-packed, enabling them simply wouldn’t work and took me some serious finicking to get done. Despite claims to the contrary, I found k3s and Microk8s to be more resource intensive than full k8s. The big difference is that K3S made the choices for you and put it in a single binary. May 5, 2021 · General Information k3s — Lightweight Kubernetes. Prod: managed cloud kubernetes preferable but where that is unsuitable either k3s or terraform+kubeadm. I ultimately ended up going with Ubuntu for IoT + Docker + Kubernetes for my Raspberry Pi cluster rather than using either microk8s or k3s since both distributions ended up with challenges. The NUC also is screamingly fast compared to any combination of pi4. I know you mentioned k3s but I definitely recommend Ubuntu + microk8s. It also contains the YAML for the automated update controller and the CRDs for controlling the k3s version itself. Don't. While I have gotten K8s running on a pi, they are very underpowered. Definitely not as master nodes. 10+ it is necessary to install extra kernel modules: sudo apt install linux-modules-extra-raspi Then restart MicroK8s: sudo microk8s stop; sudo microk8s start Installation. If you want a bit more control, you can disable some k3s components and bring your own. For starters microk8s HighAvailability setup is a custom solution based on dqlite, not etcd. As soon as you have a high resource churn you’ll feel the delays. You would need to modify the Service specifications if you move the workload to another Node. I think manually managed kubernetes vs Microk8s is like Tensorflow vs PyTorch (this is not a direct comparison, because tensorflow and PyTorch have different internals). Does MicroK8s or k3s or minikube run on the ARM Macs? Asking cause I don’t really know. MicroK8s can run efficiently on your Proxmox setup using VMs or even on Raspberry Pi devices, providing a flexible and powerful environment to master Kubernetes. Like minikube, microk8s is limited to a single-node Kubernetes cluster, with the added limitation of only running on Linux and only on Linux where snap is installed. 6K subscribers in the picluster community. It is much much smaller and more efficient, and in general appears to be more stable. I bought a Pi 4 8gb just a few weeks before the Pi 5 was announced. 112K subscribers in the kubernetes community. Sep 1, 2023 · After pulling the plug on MicroK8s, I explored other distributions-k3s and RKE2, to be precise. Hi all, first post in this community! Spent the last weekend trying to setup an HA Kubernetes cluster on three of my Pi Zero 2 Ws. com — see the Wiki for comprehensive instructions. If you want even more control over certain components, that you don't get with k3s, use kubeadm. Jul 20, 2023 · With k3s, you can run Kubernetes on lightweight hardware, including environments like old laptops, virtual machines, or even Raspberry Pi. And finally, it's how I learned to build Kubernetes from source, since K8s no longer supports arm6, so I had to manually build kubeadm, kubelet, the pause container, and the kube-proxy container. Installing K3s on the Turing Pi. . Why? Dunno. K3s: K3s is a lightweight Kubernetes distribution that is specifically designed to run on resource-constrained devices like the Raspberry Pi. Hi, I've been using single node K3S setup in production (very small web apps) for a while now, and all working great. Please… i want to build a high availability cluster of atleast 3 masters & 3 nodes using either k0s, k3s, k8s. Its low-touch UX automates or simplifies operations such as deployment, clustering, and enabling of auxiliary services required for a production-grade K8s environment. The subreddit for all things related to Modded Minecraft for Minecraft Java Edition --- This subreddit was originally created for discussion around the FTB launcher and its modpacks but has since grown to encompass all aspects of modding the Java edition of Minecraft. Oct 29, 2022 · It works really well on small devices like the Raspberry Pi, all the way up to larger servers like the AWS a1. For testing in dev/SQA and release to production we use full k8s. I still believe docker(-compose) is easier to get started and lighter on resources. Love mine. So, if you want a fault tolerant HA control plane, you want to configure k3s to use an external sql backend or…etcd. Would probably still use minikube for single node work though. (edit: I've been a bonehead and misunderstood waht you said) From what I've heard, k3s is lighter than microk8s. The other problem would be if one of your dedicated Pi's failed. I am trying to connect a phpmyadmin pod to a mysql pod but it seems that I have a problem with DNS. Jun 20, 2023 · Similarly, you can install MicroK8s on Ubuntu-based computers with the following command. It would be nice to let k3s swap out the instances to a working pi rather than leaving users stranded. It just felt less cluttered and all addons worked when installed by hand. Now I want to host some small private projects (like node server and db) and was looking for a simple managing software. K3s' design has nothing help with edge or RPi scenarios as its advertisement and there's no any outstanding effort regarding to resource footprint optimization. Members Online Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W Homelab: k3s. And lastly if anyone can answer with experience, is it normal for a Raspberry Pi Cluster (3 slaves 1 master all Raspberry Pi 3B+ 4GB RAM 2 cores) to take around ~5-15 minutes to run a command (any MicroK8s command or KubeCTL) and has around a 45%ish failure rate for commands (timing out or random errors) Why do you say "k3s is not for production"? From the site: K3s is a highly available, certified Kubernetes distribution designed for production workloads in unattended, resource-constrained, remote locations or inside IoT appliances I'd happily run it in production (there are also commercial managed k3s clusters out there). K3s: The Good and The Bad. 5GB of resident memory. If you create a multi-arch image (drop dead simple with docker buildx), then you can have one deployment manifest that references a generic image tag (eg. Was put off microk8s since the site insists on snap for installation. I could never scale a single microk8s to the meet the number of deploys we have running in prod and dev. For kubernetes on it, just run k3s on it. As I’m adding more services, I now need to add extra raspberries (at least one) which makes this simple hosting into an orchestration challenge. The target would be 200MB or lower. About 57 million people visit the site every day to chat about topics as varied as makeup, video games and pointers for power washing driveways. I started working on a new company recently and they use k8s for everything, so I think it's a good way to get familiar and learn. I think the point is that the binary size is 40MB and it works even on devices with few resources such as Raspberry Pi. What made you switch and how is k0s any better? MicroK8s is the easiest way to consume Kubernetes as it abstracts away much of the complexity of managing the lifecycle of clusters. 26 What are the differences between K3s and MicroK8s? There are several important differences between K3s and MicroK8s, including the following: System compatibility. Kubernetes discussion, news, support, and link sharing. kooknboo/myimage:latest) and the cluster will schedule it across nodes and the local container runtime on each node will pull the proper image So I took the recommendation from when I last posted about microk8s and switched to K3s. Want to update to a newer k3s release? Gitops change. 我已经完全明白k3s和MicroK8s是两个完全不同的概念。 115K subscribers in the kubernetes community. Available for free at home-assistant. It is easy to install and requires minimal configuration. AFAIK, the solutions that run the cluster inside docker containers (kind, k3s edit: k3d) are only ment for short lived ephemeral clusters, whereas at least k3s (I don't know microk8s that well) is explicitly built for small scale productions usage. I use Microk8s to develop in VS Code for local testing. Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 77 votes and 46 comments I was trying to decide between MicroK8s and K3s, but I think I have landed on using K3s. Installation is then via the snap as usual: Agreed, when testing microk8s and k3s, microk8s had the least amount of issues and have been running like a dream for the last month! PS, for a workstation, not edge device, and on Fedora 31 Reply reply But I finally just dove in installing microk8s on some Pi’s and Rock64’s and once I got my first pods up and running realized its just another layer on top of containers to manage them. Plenty of 'HowTos' out there for getting the hardware together, racking etc. Members Online Raspberry Pi4 8Gb not booting Ubuntu Desktop 21. I know k8s needs master and worker, so I'd need to setup more servers. 04 or Kali Linux on 4 inch touch display blue and black screen when turned on OVD is easy to install and manage. There's tons of articles in here… I've been running a k3s cluster at home for over two years now and there's very little maintanence of the control plane required (though my control plane runs on a single raspberry pi 4 using the k3s etcd shim, so the database is stored locally in sqlite). Taking mod applications. Those deploys happen via our CI/CD system. I see threads here about K3s and MicroK8s… can I have any advice on what K8s solution to use considering the previous info? (Basically heterogeneous hardware [I’d like Step 1: Discover k3s. and using manual or Ansible for setting up. What the blog post is pointing out is that bog standard upstream Kubernoodles fits on a Pi too. Hello everybody, I ended up getting two Raspberry Pi 4 4GB for Christmas and wanted to turn them into a homelab for things like WordPress, PiHole, etc. My goals are to setup some Wordpress sites, vpn server, maybe some scripts, etc. Proton Pass is a free and open-source password manager from the scientists behind Proton Mail, the world's largest encrypted email service. Step 2: Discover the k3s Automated Update Controller. k0s vs k3s vs microk8s – Detailed Comparison Table To address disk performance issues often present on Raspberry Pi see the troubleshooting section. hey guys, i've been thinking of building a raspberry pi (5) cluster for my homelab and was wondering if there are any tutorials you recommend. It runs great on Raspberry Pis and installs really fast. I need to install a Kubernetes cluster on both (GPU is not initially required but is nice to have from the start). I can't comment on k0s or k3s, but microk8s ships out of the box with Ubuntu, uses containerd instead of Docker, and ships with an ingress add-on. 0-192. I have a couple of dev clusters running this by-product of rancher/rke. Raspberry pi’s are pretty easy and cheap to setup. K3s has a similar issue - the built-in etcd support is purely experimental. Right, but a lot of folks will argue that you need to run something like k3s in order to “fit” Kubernetes onto a device like the Pi because of resource constraints. Both look great, both are in active development and are constantly getting more updates. One of the big things that makes k3s lightweight is the choice to use SQLite instead of etcd as a backend. Key Features: -Deliver Windows and Linux apps and desktops -Use any device - macOS, Windows, Linux, iOS/Android, Chromebook, Raspberry Pi, or any HTML5 Web browser. They also have some interesting HA patterns because every node is in the control plane, which is cool but really only useful for particular use cases. I still use my RPis on K8s cluster, but only as backup nodes for certain things. Great overview of current options from the article About 1 year ago, I had to select one of them to make disposable kubernetes-lab, for practicing testing and start from scratch easily, and preferably consuming low resources. So let's go the K3s website and work on getting it set up. K3s runs on any Linux distribution without any additional external dependencies or tools. I am able to set up the pies with the raspbian lite, log in, set up k3s master and separate worker nodes, set the token, the cmdline. What is Microk8s? In this episode, I discussed the merits of different Kubernetes distributions, and ultimately decided to run K3s on the 7-node Raspberry Pi Compute Module cluster (built with the Turing Pi, thanks to Turing Machines for letting me use their prototype board for this video!). Unveiling the Kubernetes Distros Side by Side: K0s, K3s, microk8s, and Minikube ⚔️ I took this self-imposed challenge to compare the installation process of these distros, and I'm excited to share the results with you. If you switch k3s to etcd, the actual “lightweight”ness largely evaporates. Mine has been running non-stop for 3 months. I use it for Rook-Ceph at the moment. Is a cluster like this useful for anything in real life? Why even do it? If you'd like to know, then checkout my recording from KubeCon: The Past, Present, and Future of Kubernetes on Raspberry Pi Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 497 votes and 50 comments For my dev usecase, i always go for k3s on my host machine since its just pure kubernetes without the cloud provider support (which you can add yourself in production). I'm now looking at a fairly bigger setup that will start with a single node (bare metal) and slowly grow to other nodes (all bare metal), and was wondering if anyone had experiences with K3S/MicroK8s they could share. It's a great device, moved the majority of my containers to it. Now I have a 12 node cluster consisting of Pi Zeroes, Pi 2's , a Pi 3, several Pi 4's, and various singleboard x86_64 computers. Main benefits of microk8s would be integration with Ubuntu. kubeadm: kubeadm is a tool provided by Kubernetes that can be used to create a cluster on a single Raspberry Pi. In recent years, Reddit’s array of chats also have been a free teaching aid for companies like Google, OpenAI and Microsoft. The Pi Dramble is 4 node and all-in costs between $300-450 (depending on what kind of parts you choose, and whether you use PoE to power it): https://www. legacy, alpha, and cloud-provider-specific features), replacing docker with Jan 23, 2024 · Two distributions that stand out are Microk8s and k3s. If you want to learn normal day-to-day operations, and more "using the cluster" instead of "managing/fixing the cluster", stick with your k3s install. I use portainer as the manager because its easy right? Anyway, I can deploy an like gitea via the LB. It seems to be lightweight than docker. Pass brings a higher level of security with battle-tested end-to-end encryption of all data and metadata, plus hide-my-email alias support. k3s is developed by Rancher Labs, as Rancher says it is good for small devices such as IoT. 04LTS on amd64. Develop IoT apps for k8s and deploy them to MicroK8s on your Linux boxes. Installs with one command, add nodes to your cluster with one command, high availability automatically enabled after you have at least 3 nodes, and dozens of built in add-ons to quickly install new services. Some people might go and run some random shell script off the Internet to install K3s. If you already have something running you may not benefit too much from a switch. It's incredibly reliable with an SSD. 1. These are the services manifests: Having used both I prefer k3s. 255 ip range. UPDATE K3S is legit. Let’s take a look at Microk8s vs k3s and discover the main differences between these two options, focusing on various aspects like memory usage, high availability, and k3s and microk8s compatibility. By default, K3s uses dqlite for single-node setups and switches to etcd for high-availability setups. For a detailed step-by-step guide, check out my article on creating a local multi-node K8s cluster with MicroK8s and Multipass: Creating a Local Multi-Node K8s Cluster with MicroK8s Raspberry Pi 4 (4GB) - 3 I am lost in the woods on what kind of Kubernetes setup I should and can do to optimally utilize all my available hardware MicroK8s K3s Rancher KOPS Kubespray Right now I have 4 Ubuntu instances on Proxmox on the Intel NUC and unused Raspberry PIs RPi4 Cluster // K3S (or K8S) vs Docker Swarm? Raiding a few other projects I no longer use and I have about 5x RPi4s and Im thinking of (finally) putting together a cluster. A gen-8 i3 NUC is totally silent. It doesnt need docker like kind or k3d and it doesnt add magic like minikube/microk8s to facilitate ease of provisioning a cluster. MicroK8s is a low-ops, minimal production Kubernetes, for devs, cloud, clusters, workstations, Edge and I have a cluster of two raspberry pi, they are wortking with microk8s, one is master and the other is worker. There are two IPs that are configured in the Service specifications: (1) of the Raspberry Pi/Kubernetes Node which is set as the ExternalPs and (2) of the PiHole container/Pod which is the ClusterIP. So k3s is only a "binary size reduced version" of k8s and it played a nice trick with CNCF since its conformance test set is weak. K3s achieves its lightweight goal by stripping a bunch of features out of the Kubernetes binaries (e. Some names I’ve heard being mentioned around are Minikube, microk8s and k0s. Use k3s for Raspberry Pis. Raspberry pi doesn't use the amd64 architecture. Installed metallb and configured it with 192. An intro to MicroK8s; K8s at the edge: easy as “Pi” Embedded Kubernetes for secure IoT Edge; MicroK8s on IBM Z — minimal footprint meets zero downtime; Self-healing Kubernetes at the edge: MicroK8s, Raspberry Pis and Portainer; Simplifying Kubernetes across the Clouds: MicroK8s on NVIDIA Tech Stack Nov 22, 2024 · Hi, I will shortly start a project concept based on a hybrid system using Jetson Orin and Raspberry Pi’s. Do all nodes need to be the same arch though? Nope. Microk8s vs k3s: What is the difference? Microk8s is a low-ops production Kubernetes. Der erste Teil unserer kleinen Serie über Kubernetes-Cluster aus mehreren Raspberry Pis beschäftigte sich in der letzten Ausgabe mit dem Aufsetzen des Clusters mit Canonicals leichtgewichtiger Kubernetes-Distribution MicroK8s (sprich: Microkates). But that’s not HA or fault tolerant. Perfect to run on a Raspberry Pi or a local server. Yeah they build it for arm64 but it's not really set up for low disk or memory footprint; it's a datacenter optimized distro. Hard to speak of “full” distribution vs K3S. Kernel modules. Yes, it is 8 Raspberry Pi's. I want to build a cluster that has SSD storage and active cooling for all nodes. pidramble. I run bone-stock k3s (some people replace some default components) using Traefik for ingress and added cert-manager for Let's Encrypt certs. These are net-booted and are running K3s in HA mode. Not sure what it means by "add-on" but you can have K3s deploy any helm that you want when you install it and when it boots, it comes with a helm operator that does that and more. It is optimized to run on ARM64 and ARMv7 based platforms as well as Raspberry Pi. It has allowed me to focus on transforming the company where I work into Cloud Native without losing myself in the nitty-gritty of Kubernetes itself. And there’s no way to scale it either unlike etcd. I have tried microk8s and minikube, but they were either unstable or not working at all on my Raspberry Pi. I decided to switch my compose setup to k3s on my pi server. Most people just like to stick to practices they are already accustomed to. Discussion, troubleshooting and everything related to the Raspberry Pi 4 and 400. For Ubuntu 21. 04上,sudo snap install microk8s --classic可安装功能完备的单节点Kubernetes集群。 I chose k3s because it's legit upstream k8s, with some enterprise storage stuff removed. and was wondering whether I should start off with Kubernetes or Docker, because my goal is to make the two pis work together to handle the services I plan to run. RESOLVED below, original issue: Hello all, I'm usually on r/homelab , but someone recommended me to your group. Just the kernel, not userspace. Use it on a VM as a small, cheap, reliable k8s for CI/CD. K3s works on any Linux distribution, but Reddit has long been a hot spot for conversation on the internet. Powered by a worldwide community of tinkerers and DIY enthusiasts. I have it running various other things as well, but CEPH turned out to be a real hog Aug 26, 2021 · MicroK8s is great for offline development, prototyping, and testing. 1. This makes it a very versatile tool that can be used in a GeeekPi Raspberry Pi Cluster Case You can buy on amazon for good price, and for power i use the: Anker power port c 5 ports 60w + one pack of 10 usb to usb c 15 cm I have four raspberry pis 4 4gb in a k3s cluster Home Assistant is open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. Kubernetes gibt es auch in Spielarten, die das einfache Aufsetzen als Cluster mit einem Knoten auf heimischer Hardware unterstützen. In a way, K3S bundles way more things than a standard vanilla kubeadm install, such as ingress and CNI. While you can use a full blown etcd cluster Dqlite is much smaller which fits better into small edge-machines. It's either armhf for Raspi 3 and earlier, or arm64 for Raspi 4. Also, microk8s is only distributed as a snap, so that's a point of consideration if you're against snaps. txt, etc. Or if you have one extra whatever computer you can use one of the aforementioned stacks as they run (can run) on a single computer. But you can have a small K8S cluster at one site. 总结. I am currently using k3s, after having some networking problems with k3d. Microk8s also has serious downsides. My single piece of hardware runs Proxmox, and my k3s node is a VM running Debian. This means it can take only a few seconds to get a fully working Kubernetes cluster up and running after starting off with a few barebones VPS running Ubuntu by means of apt install microk8s . These Pi's are really not powerful enough to run the Control Plane components, so I've ended up setting them up as worker nodes and running a single master node on a VM on my Mac. io. A community to discuss anything related to Raspberry Pi Cluster builds. vysv qghqc dvrwd tkaqwqrx gnfm eczh tfiqk binld cqn jbskmid oyzkw gjljz jdoaz ycyrwh txyu