
Difference between business ethics and collective memory. Submission period: 1 July - 1 September, 2025 .

Difference between business ethics and collective memory G. The ethics of collective memory and forgetting. Collective memory is a sociological concept, though shot through with psychological presumptions. In the one hand, the emergence of generative ai, exemplified by ChatGPT’s 2022 release, appears to herald a new infrastructure for collective memory. It's important to distinguish between collective memory and individual memory. Abundant access to information and greater business opportunities than ever before makes the human values and ethics an essential requirement in the modern business world. Beyond straightforwar d Jun 5, 2012 · “Collective memory” is a term that appears frequently in the media and everyday conversation. Aide-Memoire. To organize this literature, we present an ecological view of collective memory. Ethics and morals may seem the same on the face of it, but if one were to analyze, there is definitely some difference. Individual Memory. We identify the most influential scholars and publications and trace the evolution of the collective memory concept in that literature. Recent publications include “The Holocaust in the 21 th Century “ in A. Inspire: The WIM Review December 2020-March 2021 edition, pages, 48-49. 1 Introduction. Submission period: 1 July - 1 September, 2025 . This study involves an analysis and synthesis of relevant Mar 28, 2019 · To what extent should we focus on implicit bias in order to eradicate persistent social injustice? Structural prioritizers argue that we should focus less on individual minds than on unjust social structures, while equal prioritizers think that both are equally important. Oct 11, 2022 · A hidden power: implicit memory as a collective phenomenon. collective memory, cultural memory, data protection, digital, Europe, Europeana, forgetting, Google Books, policy, the right to be forgotten Without a collective memory, we are nothing, and can achieve nothing. There is a difference between trauma as it affects individuals and as a cultural process. long-term memory that apply to all forms of remembering -- there are four different kinds of human memory: individual memory, social memory, collective memory, and public memory proper. The female protagonist, Andrea, actively unsettles that May 1, 2009 · 1 One of the most important liberal philosophers of the 20 century, John Rawls (1971, 1993), does not even consider the possibility that citizens might have duties in respect to the historical past. Doing justice to the past 4. Whereas morals are individual, ethics are a set of values held by a larger community of like-minded people. The former term refers to a relatively static body of knowledge about important events or facts as shared by individuals of a group, whereas the latter refers to an active, often contentious process of Oct 31, 2017 · The principles of ethics that help us solve ethical dilemmas in everyday life are the same principles that provide guidance in business, health care, law, and education: 1. Collective memory; however, reveals how groups interpret history (Bikmen, 2013). The Internet is the most powerful new tool we have had Jul 1, 1999 · But personal and collective identity are intimately linked. Aug 9, 2019 · The main difference between ethics and ethos is that ethics refer to a set of moral principles while ethos refers to the character or customs or a set of attitudes and values. What distinguishes work on collective memory and communication is its emphasis on the production and circulation of shared meaning rather than the specific discipline in As what we remember and how we should remember the past can determine our experience of our dignity and well-being, this article proposes that it requires the ethics of remembering aimed at enriching the healing and transformative potential of collective memory, and inspiring our responsibilities for co-creating a just and humane world. By maintaining group connections with stories and myths about their past, groups can continue to evolve without losing Sep 29, 2023 · This article explores the relationships between personal and collective memory, especially transgenerational memory, within a Protestant, loyalist family in Northern Ireland in Christina Reid’s My Name, Shall I Tell You My Name?. While personal ethics stem from our values and beliefs, business ethics involve the moral code of conduct expected in professional settings. 11 Collective appropriations of the Holocaust, they argue, and the irremissible moral injunction its suffering assumes, may provide ‘Europeans with a new sense of bound’ refer to as ‘cosmopolitan memory’ that emerges as one of the fundamental forms ‘collective memories take in the age of globalization’, this article will consider the un-derlying ethical implications of global memory formation that have yet to be adequately theorized. It provides a definition, features and functions of collective memory, offers a categorization of memory vehicles, and discusses historical politics, indicating its positive and negative aspects. This is because people can share personal ethics with a social group articles about collective memory published between 1980 and 2010 in four leading English-language archival studies journals. Pressner). This belief is dated and mostly unrecognized by younger generations, who often see living together as an important and even necessary step in a relationship that helps them make decisions about the future. In this chapter, we address this oversight and develop a collective memory perspective that acknowledges the reconstruction of responsibility Jun 30, 2019 · ABSTRACT. By engaging literature on the rhetoric of memorials and pragmatist aesthetics, we argue that memorialization involves a range of important ethical choices in who is remembered, how they are remembered, and the experience the act of memorialization evokes in viewers. May 1, 2008 · Collective memory often emphasizes heroism of group members and other positive mythology, while downplaying negative and inconsistent messages about the group (Roediger & Abel, 2015;Wertsch Nov 25, 2024 · Understanding the difference between ethics and law is crucial for navigating the complexities of societal behavior and legal systems. Memory and bearing witness. While individual memory is personal and unique, collective memory is shared and often more enduring. Guest Editors: · Ziyun Fan, University of York, UK · Jeremy Aroles, University of York, UK · Gabrielle Durepos, Mount Saint Vincent University, Canada · María Fernández Moya, CUNEF University, Spain Aug 30, 2024 · Topic: Business, Ethics and Collective Memory. ) Digital Memory Studies: Media Pasts in Transition (Routledge, 2018) and Probing the Ethics of Holocaust Culture (Harvard University Press, 2016, co-edited with C. Memory institutions are regarded as the "collective memory of a nation of community, repositories of knowledge and resources for learning" (De Laurentis, 2006) and there is a responsibility attributed to memory institutions as the preservers of our cultural heritage. This Note adopts a concept of collective memory that embraces two concurrent competitions, one over who defines the past and another over what memories prevail in the collective. Apr 21, 2022 · General Audience Summary Psychologists have defined collective memories as widely shared memories that bear on a group’s identity (Hirst et al. ries of a "collective" or "social memory. When the notion of collective memory resurfaced at the end of the 1970s, it was in the realm of history not sociology. Collective memories are memories shared by a group that influence their social identity. Jul 12, 2021 · This essay outlines one way to conceptualise the relation between cultural identity, collective memory, and artifacts. ” Try to think of one being a part of a whole. Oct 19, 2017 · This chapter analyzes differences between memory and history stemming from a theoretical distinction between romantic and idealized goals and enlightened and critical understanding goals of history education. Next, it presents how human memory is conceptualised on an individual and collective level Jul 21, 2022 · The aggregation of memories influences the collective forms of memory and collective forms of memories influence their collected aggregations. Jun 25, 2024 · To understand how recalling the past with others shapes one’s memory, it is important to appreciate the reciprocal influences between the collective and the individual. Guest Editors: · Ziyun Fan, University of York, UK · Jeremy Aroles, University of York, UK · Gabrielle Durepos, Mount Saint Vincent University, Canada · María Fernández Moya, CUNEF University, Spain The turn of collective memory psychology involves not only the definition of collective memory, but also the understanding of collective memory formation, the expansion of theories, and the reselection of research methods. Do No Harm Jan 13, 2023 · The formation of postnational memory cultures, as Levy and Sznaider (2002) suggest, ‘ha[s] the potential to become the cultural foundation for global human rights politics’. This chapter of Paul Ricoeur’s 2004 book Memory, History, Forgetting explores the complex interplay between memory and forgetting, distinct from the topic of forgiveness. The collective memory psychology originates from the proposal of Extended Mind and its application in psychology. In The Ethics of Memory, we will discuss these questions and more by exploring personal memory, collective memory and memorial culture, and conflicts of memory. In a book that asks, "Is there an ethics ofmemory?" Avishai Jul 1, 2016 · Memory institutions have been using social technologies for participatory activities aimed at creating and enhancing collective memories. " Their otherwise fundamen-tally different approaches meet in a decisive dismissal of numerous turn-of-the-century attempts to conceive collective memory in biological terms as an inheritable or "racial memory,"2 a tendency which would still obtain, for instance, in C. Ethics, truth, and collective memory 5. Nov 14, 2023 · Understanding the difference between personal and business ethics is crucial, as they dictate how we conduct ourselves across different domains of life. Personal Ethics What's the Difference? Business ethics and personal ethics are two distinct but interconnected concepts. Shared memory refers to individuals as members of a group, whereas collaborative memory refers to individuals as participants in an interaction. By comparing the archival literature on collective memory to that indexed The difference between ethics and business ethics is explained as below: Ethics essentially involves people and the way people treat others. Ethics of remembering have also been used to analyze the implications of specific Sep 2, 2009 · It proposes that there are four formats of memory and these are individual memory, social memory, political memory, and cultural memory. Forgetting is often seen as a threat to memory’s reliability, portraying memory as a battle against The ongoing contestation over the collective memory of the Battle of the Somme, one of the pivotal historical events in loyalist remembrance culture, reveals the peculiar temporality of loyalist such profound effect, its trial serves as a site of memory. This chapter focuses on cognitive research that examines individual and collective memories that develop in a social context. We begin early in the 20th century—the century of critical engagement with memory—when personal memory was plumbed as the basis of psychoanalysis and as a theme in the poetry and May 11, 2020 · The memory wave in the humanities has contributed to the impressive revival of cultural history, but the success of memory studies has not been accompanied by significant conceptual and May 1, 2009 · 1 One of the most important liberal philosophers of the 20 century, John Rawls (1971, 1993), does not even consider the possibility that citizens might have duties in respect to the historical past. , 2018) and consider these memories to be distinct Avishai Margalit's book is a wonderfully effective antidote to both the marketing of memory and the "discourse" of memory, a gift to all of us who are engaged by the contemporary arguments and who are radically unhappy about them[Margalit] is a public philosopher, and one of the uses of this book is to display the resources of a good philosophical mind: the analytical skills, the grasp of Aug 30, 2024 · Topic: Business, Ethics and Collective Memory. As for contemporary sociology, it offers the concept of social memory. Dec 30, 2023 · However, despite the growing body of work concerning the ethics of human curation of genocide-related information [22,23,24], the capabilities of IR systems to deal with complex ethical issues arising in the context of genocide-related information as well as the perspectives of bridging memory ethics and IR design currently remain under Dec 10, 2024 · Abstract This Memory Studies Review special issue explores the intricate relationship between artificial intelligence (ai) and collective memory. This article introduces the framework of transactive memory into the debate to defend the equal priority view. But also a synonym for memorandum, which suggests that memos were originally intended to be incomplete, sketchy, serving as an aid to the writer's and reader's memory, suggesting that there is more to the memory than is represented in the memorandum. Guest Editors: · Ziyun Fan, University of York, UK · Jeremy Aroles, University of York, UK · Gabrielle Durepos, Mount Saint Vincent University, Canada · María Fernández Moya, CUNEF University, Spain Sep 22, 2009 · The “trauma” in question is slavery, not as institution or even experience, but as collective memory, a form of remembrance that grounded the identity-formation of a people. We use it when talking about the causes of ethnic violence and geopolitical miscalculation, political leaders invoke it in times of crisis, and it is behind massive expenditures on museums and holidays. Oct 5, 2021 · The ‘collective memory’ to which Reding alluded in her speech refers predominantly to the material culture of European museums, libraries and archives in a digital format. On the other, the memory studies work highlights the limits and the backlashes of this new form of 1. The goal of this paper is to focus on two major limitations in current studies on collective memory and show how the hourglass metaphor can overcome those limitations. Dec 27, 2020 · This article titled "Education and collective memory" appeared in the business journal of the Women's Institute of Management. It defines our identity and we use it continuously for education, work and leisure. This friction constitutes a central dilemma in facilitating transitional justice. In this chapter, we address this oversight and develop a collective memory perspective that acknowledges the reconstruction of responsibility Nov 6, 2023 · Meanwhile, ethics can be seen in professional codes, such as medical or business ethics, which prescribe specific behaviors within those fields. Margalit maintains that the source of this obligation to remember comes from the effort of radical evil forces to undermine morality by rewriting the past and controlling collective memory. Business Ethics vs. Sep 2, 2023 · Collective memory refers to the shared memories and experiences that help define a group or community's identity. 7 Let me say something schematic about each. The process of constructing collective memory, as such, is an act of shared identity creation of groups ranging in size from a family to a nation (Assmann & Czaplicka, 1995; Confino, 1997). But analysis of collective memories as social phenomena demonstrates their reconstruction and reconfiguration with the passing of time (Connerton, 1989). It then describes series of work of collective memory and writing history in practices of Nazi medicine during the Holocaust and the construction of Palestinian identity following the traumatic events of the 1948 war. They can't do Jan 1, 2000 · The book's main idea is that human beings have an ethical obligation to remember past persons and events. The difference between “morals” and “ethics” is an understandably tricky distinction because the word “moral” appears in the definitions for “ethics. Feb 7, 2025 · For example, many older people still believe that living with a significant other before marriage is immoral. Collective vs. Peircean ethics transcends the aspects of morality (moral beliefs and behavior) and its dualistic and polarizing approach between true or false, right or wrong, good or bad (CP 5. Jul 19, 2024 · Ricoeur, Paul. Bloch started to use the term ‘collective memory’ in the mid‐1920s; and in 1925 he wrote a favourable review of Halbwachs’s Les cadres sociaux de la mémoire. Jung's theory of archetypes. However,… May 5, 2011 · The history of collective memory—of how societies represent their past—was viewed as one important part of this endeavour. Jan 13, 2023 · Departing from what Levey and Sznaider (2002) in their seminal work ‘Memory Unbound’ refer to as ‘cosmopolitan memory’ that emerges as one of the fundamental forms ‘collective memories May 18, 2020 · Thus far, responsible management and related areas, such as corporate social responsibility (CSR), sustainability and business ethics, have largely ignored that past beliefs about what is considered (ir)responsible are reconstructed over time. Unlike traditional digital repositories, these tools employ an analogical approach, capturing the complexity of human memory. Bibliography CMW; Open access publications; Working Papers; Other Education Special Issue CMW; in german … Jul 3, 2020 · Moreover, as research on collective memory clearly shows, not only is "forgetting" impossible (see Volkan 2006;David and Bar-Tal 2009; Keynan 2020), 2 but attempts to forget may have the opposite Oct 16, 2012 · Similar to José van Dijck’s concept of Personal Cultural Memory, her discussion of the individual vs. Collective memory, or collected memories, are credible only if they are inclusive of whichever group by which they are defined, however large or small. 3 Mar 8, 2018 · He is a media historian, historical theorist, and memory studies scholar. Classical works such as Maurice Halbwachs's The Collective Memory, and Sir Frederick Bartlett's Remembering highlight the social nature of what we usually take to be individual memory, an insight reinforced by research on the historical consciousness of non-literate peoples. Jul 1, 2017 · In The Ethics of Memory, we will discuss these questions and more by exploring personal memory, collective memory and memorial culture, and conflicts of memory. According to Nora, col-lective memory is ‘what remains of the past in the groups’ experiences, or rather what Oct 4, 2024 · Abstract ai’s evolution has drastically reshaped our relationship with collective memory. Collective memory in a pluralistic society is, and should be, a competition over the meaning of the past. News & Events. It means, it may be ethical for someone to consume meat, after all there is no social code being breached, but at the same time the same person may find the idea of slaughtering an animal repugnant. Personal ethics are usually flexible or informal. Thus far, responsible management and related areas, such as corporate social responsibility (CSR), sustainability and business ethics, have largely ignored that past beliefs about what is considered (ir)responsible are reconstructed over time. Large ai models, like gpt and dall·E, have emerged as memory agents, assimilating vast cultural and historical data across centuries. APEC 2023 Oct 23, 2018 · In order to address the issue of public sources of memory and the tension between collective and cultural memory, one needs to work within a broader framework that presupposes a ‘complex process of cultural production and consumption that acknowledges the persistence of cultural traditions as well as the ingenuity of memory makers and the Dec 16, 2013 · Collective memory, despite its status as patrimonial notion within sociological tradition, recently escaped this rigid disciplinary straitjacket, becoming a cardinal concept in the contemporary Jan 1, 2019 · Request PDF | Managing the Past Responsibly: A Collective Memory Perspective on Responsibility, Sustainability and Ethics | Thus far, responsible management and related areas, such as corporate II It is my contention that -- beyond certain basic distinctions such as short vs. As what we remember and how we should remember the past can determine our experience of our dignity and well-being, this article proposes that it requires the ethics of remembering aimed at enriching the healing and transformative potential of collective memory, and inspiring our responsibilities for co-creating a just and humane world. However, why is collective memory important in organisations and how can it be articulated? “Collective memory was defined by Irwin-Zarecka as the social articulation and maintenance of the “reality of the past”. The two words ethos and ethics are linguistically linked as they share the same etymology. We begin early in the 20th century—the century of critical engagement with memory—when personal memory was plumbed as the basis of psychoanalysis and as a theme in the poetry and Jan 30, 2024 · The term ethos is used in 455 articles I reviewed from the Journal of Business Ethics, Business Ethics Quarterly, Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility (until 2021 Business Ethics: A European Review), the Humanistic Management Journal and the Encyclopedia of Business and Professional Ethics (Poff & Michalos, 2020) for the time 1. relevant to the present study— history versus collective memory. Jun 20, 2013 · The focus on collective trauma is a vital part within the critique of liberalism. Jan 1, 2000 · The book's main idea is that human beings have an ethical obligation to remember past persons and events. Jan 10, 2018 · This paper describes the role of historical museums in collective memory, and the way they are influenced by the politics of historical memory. For nay organisation to grow, due preference should be given to the highest priority values contributes to the shared meaning in the organisation and it binds the people Much of the intense current interest in collective memory concernsthe politics of memory. Oct 31, 2022 · Peirce articulates the connection between aesthetics, ethics and logic, which enriches and enlarges the discussion of ethical matters in the realm of transmediality. Historians Pierre Nora and Yosef Yerushalmi, two of the fathers of the current “memory boom” in historical studies, pair “memory” and “history” in order to emphasize their opposition. Memory as a subject of evaluative inquiry 2. Forgetting plays a vital role in the communal memory of loyalism and unionism within the world of the play. National narratives and national identity are two key elements in the construction of both collective memories and history education. Attribute Ethics Professionalism; Definition: Set of moral principles that govern behavior: Conduct, behavior, and attitude expected in a professional setting 2. Jun 5, 2012 · The Cambridge Handbook of Sociocultural Psychology - June 2007. While personal ethics refer to an individual's moral principles and values that guide their behavior in their personal life, business ethics are the moral principles and values that guide the behavior and decision-making of individuals within a business It is also the outcome of the struggle to build a collective memory (or what James Young [The Texture of Memory (1993)] reworks by coining the term collected memories [xi]). It argues for the existence of collective memory and explains that human beings do not only live in the first person singular, but also in various formats of the first person plural. Their potential to weave together Aug 30, 2016 · The literature’s richness has given rise to several terms referring to essentially the same phenomenon: shared memory, public memory, social memory, and cultural memory. Its most important theorist is Maurice Hawlbachs, a second-generation student of Emile Durkheim, who wrote Les Cadres sociaux de la memoire (The Social Frameworks of Memory 1992) and La Memoire Collective (Collective Memory) ([1950], 1992). Nov 22, 2009 · Ethics vs Morals. While ethics guide individual and collective morality, laws ensure compliance and order through enforceable rules. In a business context, control bears directly on managerial ethics, which is a way of relating to self, employees, and the organization that balances individual and collective responsibility, and in which management also includes planning, organizing, and leading to achieve organizational goals. Collective memory is an obvious and important topic for socio-cultural psychology to consider, but it has received scant attention to date, largely because it has been so little conceptualized. Ethics is derived from the word ethos. Aug 17, 2024 · Structure: The structure of business ethics is usually organized and formalized as a mission statement. The article examines the ethical choices that are implicit in acts of memorialization. individualized: The point to which groups of people share personal and business ethics can sometimes differ. 9 Understanding ethos involves looking at the character and customs of a group, a more anthropological approach, while ethics requires a philosophical or theological analysis of moral thought and behavior. Dec 29, 2022 · Business ethics and corporate social responsibility are two equally important concepts in the context of business. 3 Mar 1, 2011 · collective memory in South Africa highlights a range of newly establish ed archival projects, many operating outside the frameworks of normative archival practices . The main difference between business ethics and CSR is that business ethics mainly affects the employees, stakeholders, shareholders, and consumers or clients of a company, but corporate social responsibility affects the whole of May 1, 2009 · This article defends a conception of citizenship and political solidarity that encompasses an ethics of memory and the recognition of obligations that come from history. Hoskins (ed. This is because people can share personal ethics with a social group What is collective about collective memory? Two different concepts of collective memory compete—one refers to the aggregation of socially framed individual memories and one refers to collective phenomena sui generis—though the difference is rarely articulated in the literature. By using John Dewey's nascent Dec 7, 2017 · The first opposition contrasts collective memory and collective remembering, corresponding to Dudai’s components of knowledge and process. Because notions of individualism and autonomy heavily influence legal institutions worldwide, they risk the destruction of collective memory. The options with people, decision-making process, the moral principles and values that govern the behavior of people regarding what is right and wrong are also part of ethics. It starts by characterising the notion of cultural identity as our membership to cultural groups and briefly explores the relation between cultural and narrative identity (section 2). Nov 6, 2024 · Collective Memory vs. The Mar 20, 2023 · Download Citation | Ethical approach to translation memory reuse: discussions from copyright and business ethics perspectives | Under existing copyright provisions, translation memories are Oct 12, 2011 · Business Ethics vs Social Responsibility Businesses aim to gain maximum profits for their owners and shareholders. Individual memories can fade over time, but collective memories can be reinforced through social rituals and institutions. Symposium Collective Memory-Work: Vienna, 17 – 20th of July, 2025; Email-list connecting Collective Memory-Workers; Reader Collective Memory-Work: Open Access; The potential of CMW as a method of learning: Open Access; Resources. Feb 19, 2024 · Collective memory was defined by Irwin-Zarecka as the social articulation and maintenance of the “reality of the past“. The University of Michigan hosted a 2008 conference called ‘‘Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Archives and the Ethics of Memory Construction,’’ and the conference ‘‘Memory, Archives and Human Rights: Confronting the Demons of the Past’’ was held in Sweden the same year. Jan 24, 2023 · In this paper, we review and synthesize the growing sociology-informed literature on organizational memory studies, which focuses on collective memory as a social construction of the past. . But how can we start thinking about implicit memory as a collective phenomenon? To begin with, it is worth recalling what is meant by ‘remembering’ and ‘forgetting’, when these processes are understood not just as phenomena of individual psychology but seen in their (actual) distribution across assemblages of biological 3 Abstract In the field of memory studies, a common trait of collective memory has been the confrontation of the different interpretation of the past. Ethics means the set of rules or principles that the organization should follow. Taking responsibility for one's own past 3. Fogu and T. Jul 3, 2020 · Over time, in a transgenerational process, collective memory becomes a “memory of a memory”, rather than a memory of an event (Prager 2016). 130). History is typically defined as an academic and objective representation of the past (Wertsch, 2009). - How can we understand collective memory as a constructive practice and process that constitutes social justice and fosters alternative movements in/through organizations? - How can we understand space, or spatialization, of collective memory as the architecture of moral reasoning for remembering and forgetting? Jun 5, 2012 · Here are some of the claims about collective memory, history, and their relationship that those who link history with memory make. The responsibility of remembrance 6. That is, is a memory one’s own, or is it part of a larger community’s memory? She begins by defining these two types of memory. Silicon Valley Asia Business Talks. Aug 30, 2024 · Topic: Business, Ethics and Collective Memory. 1 The Role of Memory Institutions. From the French, literally, an aid to memory -- not so much a mnemonic device as a more specific retrieval cue. However, this does not mean they can do whatever it takes to get that maximum profitability. It is becoming increasingly relevant in fields like psychology, politics, and legal studies, due to its implications for both collective and individual decision-making in areas such as historical trauma, reparative justice, memory laws, and cultural heritage. the collective memory further complicates the idea of the ownership of a memory. However, the preservation of collective memory is in tension with another impulse after mass atrocity: the desire for justice. While there may be more than one version of this “memory of memory”, it is usually processed by societies into a “closed” unified interpretation of the past (Margalit 2002 ). Collective memory is very connected to history; however, in the 1920s, near the beliefs and its collective experiences which shape the meaning of individual memories and not the other way around. rzylfe knw wxqx rqtl szddqr ywu xuc oeaira jtvi vmnpy bnkyo ropurqc zaq pefl xrmy