Axis m3085 Esto significa que ofrece valiosos metadatos que permiten funciones de búsqueda forense rápidas, fáciles y eficientes en vídeos grabados o en directo. Key Features: Great image quality in 2 MP; Compact, discreet design AXIS M3085-V offers great 2 MP image quality even in challenging light conditions. Produktsupport für AXIS M3085-V Dome Camera. Software for all devices can be found on the device software download page AXISM3085-VDomeCamera ディープラーニングを備えた固定型2メガピクセルミニドーム このコスト効率の高いミニドームはワイドダイナミックレンジ(WDR)を特徴とし、シーン内に暗いエ Axisデバイスは、最初に設定されたパスワードをネットワーク上で平文で送信します。最初のログイン後にデバイスを保護するために、安全で暗号化されたHTTPS接続を設定してからパスワードを変更してください。 Axis Zipstream with H. The camera's 3. Ping: AXIS M3088-V offers great 8 MP image quality even in challenging light conditions. 2 2.基本の設置方法(中空構造面への設置)・・・p. Supporto dispositivi per AXIS M3085-V Dome Camera. Soporte de hardware y servicio RMA ofrecidos hasta el 2028-08-31. 1mm, F2. Dust - and IK08 vandal-resistant casing, fixed lens, horizontal/vertical field of view 102/55. Aug 25, 2022 · AXIS M3085-V 2 Megapixel Indoor Full HD Network Camera, Color, Dome, H. Hardware support and RMA service offered until 2028-05-31. 10 mm Fixed Lens, HDMI, Vandal Resistant, Impact Resistant, Dust Resistant Monitor a room or hallway with the M3085-V 2MP Network Mini Dome Camera from Axis Communications. Product support for AXIS M3085-V Dome Camera. Download. Wsparcie dla produktu AXIS M3085-V Dome Camera. This cost-efficient mini dome features Wide Dynamic Range (WDR) to ensure clarity even when there’s both dark and light areas in the scene. And thanks to edge storage, you can record directly to an onboard memory card. 5~p. 4 3.ライティングレールへの設置方法・・・p. AXIS M30 Seriesは、屋内と屋外両方の監視に適した魅力的な価格のミニドームです。 最大8メガピクセルの高画質で撮影し、厳しい光条件でも細部まで鮮明に表示するワイドダイナミックレンジ(WDR)をコンパクトなドームに内蔵しています。 Hemos reemplazado este producto con: AXIS M3085-V Consulte la hoja de datos del producto para conocer las especificaciones del producto de sustitución recomendado. axis m3085-vは、エッジでのディープラーニングに基づくインテリジェントな分析機能をサポートします。 つまり、貴重なメタデータを提供し、ライブビデオや録画ビデオのフォレンジック検索を迅速、簡単、かつ効率的に行うことができます。 Suporte ao produto para AXIS M3085-V Dome Camera. With Lightfinder, it delivers sharp color images even in low light. Além disso, com o recurso de amplo alcance dinâmico (WDR, wide dynamic range), ela garante clareza mesmo quando há áreas escuras e claras na cena. After this date, see the product documentation and support pages for self-help resources. Repainting instruction AXIS M30 Dome Camera AXIS M3057-PLR Mk II AXIS M3077-PLVE AXIS M3085-V AXIS M3086-V AXIS M3088-V Résolution vidéo max. 13 A AXIS M3085-V oferece excelente qualidade de imagem de 2 MP mesmo em condições de luz desafiadoras. AXIS M30 Seriesは、屋内と屋外両方の監視に適した魅力的な価格のミニドームです。 最大8メガピクセルの高画質で撮影し、厳しい光条件でも細部まで鮮明に表示するワイドダイナミックレンジ(WDR)をコンパクトなドームに内蔵しています。 다이내믹 레인지는 이미지의 조도 차이입니다. 43 KB. axis. 0 Campo de visión horizontal: 102° Campo de visión vertical: 55° Iris fijo,corrección por infrarrojos Aug 31, 2021 · AXIS OS support expired on 2021-08-31. We have replaced this product with: AXIS M3085-V For specifications of recommended replacement product, see the datasheet. AXIS M3057-PLR Mk II AXIS M3077-PLVE AXIS M3085-V AXIS M3086-V AXIS M3088-V Máxima resolución de vídeo: 2016x2016: 2016x2016: 1920x1080: 2688x1512: 3840x2160: Campo de visión horizontal: 183: 183: 102: 130: 109: Micrófono integrado – – 0 / 1 – Entradas/salidas de alarma: 1/1: 1/1: Salida HDMI – – – – – Infrarrojos AXIS M3085-V Dome Camera. AXIS M3086-V Dome Camera. AXIS M3085-V Dome Camera. D/N functionality with automatically removable IR-cut f ilter. 12 5.付属品、注意事項・・・p. Hemos reemplazado este producto con: AXIS M3085-V Consulte la hoja de datos del producto para conocer las especificaciones del producto de sustitución recomendado. AXIS M3085-V offers great 2 MP image quality even in challenging light conditions. This ultra-compact camera comes factory-focused, can easily be leveled and directed in any direction, plus offers HDMI support enabling streaming to a public view monitor. 264, Zipstream, 1920 x 1080, 3. Where applicable: find software, firmware, manuals, datasheets, technical specifications and other resources here. Feb 22, 2025 · The M3085-V is a compact, cost-effective mini dome camera that delivers exceptional image quality even in low-light conditions, thanks to its WDR and Lightfinder technologies. 8 4.h鋼等への設置方法・・・p. Axis M3085-V features day/night functionality and WDR for sharp video even when there’s both dark and light areas in the scene. AXIS M3085-V Dome Cameraの製品サポート。該当する場合: ここでソフトウェア、ファームウェア、マニュアル、データシート、技術仕様、その他のリソースが見つかります。 AXIS M3085-V Dome Camera. Product support for AXIS M3058-PLVE Network Camera. 2/2207 La AXIS M3085-V es compatible con las analíticas inteligentes basadas en el deep learning en local. 10 mm Fixed Lens, HDMI, Vandal Resistant, Impact Resistant, Dust Resistant WARNING : California’s Proposition 65 Buy Axis Communications M3085-V 2MP Indoor Network Mini Dome Camera featuring 1920 x 1080 Resolution at 30 fps, 3. Cela signifie qu’elle fournit des métadonnées précieuses facilitant des recherches médico-légales rapides, faciles et efficaces dans les vidéos en direct ou enregistrées. And, with a deep learning processing unit, you can benefit from advanced analytics based on deep learning on the edge. www. D/N functionality with automatically removable IR-cut filter. L'assistance matérielle et le service du RMA ont été proposés jusqu'à 2025-06-30. Die AXIS M30 Series bietet preisgünstige Mini-Dome-Kameras, die für die Überwachung im Innenbereich geeignet sind. 0 Horizontalfieldofview: 102° Verticalfieldofview: 55° Fixediris, IRcorrected Dayandnight AutomaticIR-cutfilter AXIS M3085/86/88-V Drill Template (pdf) 721. Product support for AXIS M3015 Network Camera. E, com a tecnologia Lightfinder, você obtém imagens nítidas e coloridas mesmo com pouca luz. . Die Axis Lightfinder-Technologie liefert selbst bei nahezu vollständiger Dunkelheit hochauflösende,farbgetreue Vi- deobilder mit nur minimaler Bewegungsunschärfe. 1mm Fixed Lens, 102° Horizontal Field of View, Supports microSD/SDHC/SDXC Cards, RJ45 Ethernet with PoE Technology, Complies with ONVIF Profiles G, M, S & T, IK08-Rated Vandal Resistance. This cost-efficient, compact mini dome delivers great image quality in challenging light conditions. AXIS M3085-V bietet Unterstützung für intelligente Analysefunktionen auf der Grundlage von Edge-basiertem Deep Learning. Furthermore, Axis Edge Vault, a hardware-based cybersecurity platform, safeguards the device and protects sensitive information from unauthorized access. Hardware support and RMA service offered until 2025-06-30. Wo zutreffend: Hier finden Sie Software, Firmware, Anleitungen, Datenblätter, technische Daten und andere Ressourcen. Przywracanie systemu AXIS OS: Przywróć poprzednio zainstalowaną wersję systemu AXIS OS. Dust - and IK08 vandal-resistant casing, fixed lens, horizontal/vertical field of view 102°/55°. Nous avons remplacé ce produit par le suivant : AXIS M3085-V Pour obtenir des spécifications sur le produit de remplacement recommandé, consultez la fiche technique. 264/H. La caméra AXIS M3085-V prend en charge l’analyse intelligente basée sur le deep learning en périphérie. 9~p. com ©2022AxisCommunicationsAB. AXIS M3085-V is an ultra-compact, indoor fixed mini dome with Deep Learning Processing Unit (DLPU). AXIS Camera Station S2108 Appliance. Upgrade your surveillance system with the AXIS M3085-V Dome Camera. Plus, out-of-the-box it offers a factory-focused fixed field of view so there’s no manual focusing required. AXIS M3085-V 2MP Indoor Dome Ip Security Camera - 02935-001. When the AXIS OS support period has expired no further updates will be released. AXISM3085-VDomeCamera Camera Imagesensor 1/2. This unit uses a 1/2. Its Deep Learning Processing Unit (DLPU) enables advanced video analytics, enhancing the camera's ability to detect and track objects or behaviors based on AI. 9" progressive scan RGB CMOS sensor to capture 1920 x 1080 resolution video at up to 30 fps. 0 Horizontalfieldofview: 102° Verticalfieldofview: 55° Fixediris, IRcorrected Dayandnight AutomaticIR-cutfilter AXISM3085-VDomeCamera 深層学習搭載の固定2メガピクセルミニドーム このコスト効率の高いミニドームはワイドダイナミックレンジ(WDR)を特徴とし、シーン内に暗いエ Product support for AXIS M3045-WV Network Camera. Dies bedeutet, dass wertvolle Metadaten zur Verfügung stehen, die schnelle, einfache und effiziente forensische Suchfunktionen in Live- oder aufgezeichneten Videos erleichtern. AXIS M3085-V Dome Camera Cámara Sensor deimagen CMOS RGB barrido progresivo 1/2,9“ Objetivo 3,1 mm, F2. Mit AXIS IP Utility und AXIS Device Manager die Axis Geräte im Netzwerk ermitteln und ihnen unter Windows® IP-Adressen zuweisen. This camera comes with a 1/2. Installation Guide AXIS M30 Series (pdf) 3. For information about AXIS OS support, go to AXIS OS Portal. 3~p. 9"progressivescanRGBCMOS Lens 3. Installation guide AXIS M3086-V Dome Camera - Mic AXIS M3085-V mette a disposizione una qualità di immagine da 2 MP eccezionale anche in condizioni di illuminazione difficili. Produktsupport für AXIS M3045-V Network Camera. AXISCOMMUNICATIONS、AXIS、ARTPEC、およびVAPIXは、さまざまな 管轄区域におけるAxisABの登録商標です。他のすべての商標はそれぞれの所有者に帰属します。記 載内容は予告なく変更されることがあります。 T10180059/JA/M2. Grazie all'ampio intervallo dinamico (WDR), garantisce chiarezza anche in presenza di aree chiare e scure nella scena. Rozwiązywanie problemów. AXIS M3085-V offers great 2 MP image quality even in challenging light conditions. Para encontrar dispositivos Axis na rede e atribuir endereços IP a eles no Windows®, use o AXIS IP Utility ou o AXIS Device Manager. 74 MB. 일부 경우에는 가장 어두운 영역과 가장 밝은 영역 간의 차이가 상당할 수 있습니다. 1mm fixed lens delivers a 102° horizontal field of view. 9-inch progressive scan RGB CMOS sensor. axis m3085-v 設置方法 目次 1.カメラ寸法、仕様・・・p. 265 ensures reduced bandwidth and storage requirements. Diese kompakten Dome-Kameras mit einer hervorragenden Bildqualität von bis zu 8 MP verfügen über Wide Dynamic Range (WDR) für großartige Details auch bei schwierigen Lichtverhältnissen. AXIS Camera Station S1296 Rack Recording Server User manual. Lightfinder. 0 Campo de visión horizontal: 102° Campo de visión vertical: 55° AXIS M3085-V Dome Camera Cámara Sensor deimagen CMOS RGB barrido progresivo 1/2,9“ Lente 3,1 mm, F2. 265, H. And, with Lightfinder, you get sharp, color images even in low light. Axis network video device; Axis portcast device; Switch; Once the devices are connected, an audio tab becomes visible in the settings for your Axis network video device. Onde aplicável: encontre software, firmware, manuais, fichas técnicas, especificações técnicas e outros recursos aqui. Tutaj znajdziesz aplikacje, oprogramowanie sprzętowe, podręczniki, arkusze danych, specyfikacje techniczne i inne zasoby, o ile tylko są dostępne. AXIS M3085/86/88-V Drill Template (pdf) 721. Connect the Axis portcast device (2) and the PoE switch (3) with a PoE cable. A deep learning processing unit enables intelligent analytics based on deep learning on the edge. Thanks to Wide Dynamic Range (WDR), it ensures clarity even when there’s both dark and light areas in the scene. Soporte de hardware y servicio RMA ofrecidos hasta el 2028-05-31. axis m3085-vは、エッジでのディープラーニングに基づくインテリジェントな分析機能をサポートします。 つまり、貴重なメタデータを提供し、ライブビデオや録画ビデオのフォレンジック検索を迅速、簡単、かつ効率的に行うことができます。 Connect the Axis network video device (1) and the Axis portcast device (2) with a PoE cable. 2016x2016: 2016x2016: 1920x1080: 2688x1512: 3840x2160: Champ de vision horizontal: 183: 183: 102: 130: 109: Microphone intégré – – 0 / 1 – Entrées/sorties d'alarme: 1/1: 1/1: Sortie HDMI – – – – – Éclairage IR intégré 다이내믹 레인지는 이미지의 조도 차이입니다. Ove applicabile: trova software, firmware, manuali, schede tecniche, specifiche tecniche e altre risorse qui. With Wide Dynamic Range, it can capture clear images even in low-light conditions. iihmtgx aknmd zgszcc mey ufslq atpckf oxyh vnedr smaah qbyqt ihxumvi flmuzjyc sjhtply kvqzgx vxzreo