Adb shell commands list packages youtube Feb 17, 2022 · With the help of this ADB command, you will be able to see the list of all the JDWP processes on your PC. I would like to run this and similar commands locally on my Android phone (Nexus 6P) in a terminal emulator (currently using Termux). To revoke a permission: adb shell pm revoke package. Si quieres que ADB Shell muestre la lista de todas las apps habilitadas o deshabilitadas en tu dispositivo, prueba el comando con parámetros como ‘-d’ (para las apps deshabilitadas), ‘-e’ (para las apps habilitadas) y ‘-u’ (para las apps desinstaladas). Nice one liner: " adb shell 'pm list packages -f' "List all a package works even without quotes: adb shell pm list packages -f Other Commands. android. View process Jul 25, 2019 · Adb useful commands list. The adb shell pm path command is used to print the path of a specific Android application package (. name' adb shell wm size. I've been using grep to find the ones I need, adb shell pm list packages | grep name but one of them doesn't seem to be showing. From a shell on my PC, I can run adb shell cmd package list packages, and get a list of all installed packages. From installation to app link handling, this guide covers essential ADB commands for developers. Find the Package Name: To find the package name of a specific app, you can either scroll through the list or use the grep command to filter the results. While in a shell, the syntax is: pm <command> You can also issue a package manager command directly from adb without entering a remote shell. The first approach involves using the adb shell pm list packages command to list all installed package names. adb shell pm list packages -e: Lists all the enabled apps on your device as package names. The adb shell command has been used in the previous part of this document. adb shell wm Jan 12, 2025 · adb shell pm list packages -s – This command will show the list of system apps that are installed on your Android phone/tablet. name. name Bypassing Restrictions. adb shell pm list packages -s <FILTER-STR> #Filter to only show system packages. You can: List and modify app private data; Automate UI adb shell pm list packages | grep 'example' Replace ‘example’ with part of the app name you are looking for. Nov 30, 2024 · Method 1: Using ADB Shell and Dumpsys. For example, to clear YouTube's app data, type: Run ADB command. You can add additional conditions or filters to list specific packages only. adb shell list packages (list package names) adb shell list packages -r (list package name + path to apks) adb shell list packages -3 (list third party package names) adb shell list packages -s (list only system packages) adb shell list packages -u (list package names + uninstalled) adb shell dumpsys package packages (list info adb shell list packages (list package names) adb shell list packages -r (list package name + path to apks) adb shell list packages -3 (list third party package names) adb shell list packages -s (list only system packages) adb shell list packages -u (list package names + uninstalled) adb shell dumpsys package packages (list info on all apps) Dec 1, 2022 · So, I did some research and found that the adb was trying to access my work profile, rather than my user profile. What is ADB. I don't want to uninstall using adb uninstall com. Oct 16, 2021 · 4. adb shell pm list packages adb shell pm list packages -u May 19, 2014 · In ADB shell issue the following command: dumpsys package packages This gives you all the information about installed packages, including the version number. Copy the one you want to start using ADB. barcodeService Dec 3, 2024 · Type the following command and press Enter: adb shell pm list packages; This will display a list of all installed packages on your device. adb shell pm list packages -d Filter to only show disabled packages. -u: list only the permissions users will see. adb get-state. CALL -d tel:+972527300294 // Make a call // Open send sms screen with phone number and the message: adb shell am start -a android. Options: -f: list the . You can then play around with grep utility to narrow down the results to only the lines you need: dumpsys package packages | grep -E 'Package \[|versionName' Apr 13, 2024 · adb shell list packages (list package names) adb shell list packages -r (list package name + path to apks) adb shell list packages -3 (list third party package names) adb shell list packages -s (list only system packages) adb shell list packages -u (list package names + uninstalled) adb shell dumpsys package packages (list info on all apps) Nov 8, 2021 · adb shell pm list packages Step 2: You will get all the package names. company. SENDTO -d sms:+972527300294 --es sms_body "Test --ez exit_on_sent false // Reset permissions adb shell pm reset Nov 17, 2015 · -s: short summary. Use the command "adb shell" to enter the device’s shell. ADB, Android Debug Bridge, is a command-line utility included with Google's Android SDK. xiyun. To get the ADB instance serial number, use the adb get-serialno command. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. ADB can control your device over USB from a computer, copy files back and forth, install and uninstall apps, run shell commands, and more. txt pm list packages -3 > third_party_packages. The ADB shell command cmd package list packages retrieves a list of all installed application packages on the connected Android device. aodanimated However if i run this command, I can see it and even pull the apk. txt # as the name suggests this gives all the current packages without those bloatwares that I uninstalled. adb shell pm list packages -f. adb shell pm list packages -e Filter to only show enabled packages. adb shell monkey -p 'your package name' -v 500 For example, adb shell monkey -p com. So you can use its full potential: So you can use its full potential: pm list packages [options] options: -f: See their associated file. adb shell pm list Mar 11, 2015 · From the list of packages that displayed with above command, Once i know my package name(say xyz package) what shell command i have to use to list all the activities under that package(xyz package). adb shell service list: Retrieve a list of services running on your Android device using the service list command. You can use the command: adb shell pm list . It’s particularly useful when you need to identify apps for management tasks like uninstalling or clearing data. the version number will be somewhere near 0x1F and the name string after 0x20 (should be 3rd line) – adb shell pm list packages -3. These packages represent all the apps, both system and user-installed, currently on the device. 7. You can find the package name of an app by running the command "adb shell pm list packages". List packages: Dec 22, 2023 · 15. estrongs. pm list instrumentation: use to list all test packages; optionally supply to list the test packages for a particular application. Other shell commands. Aug 13, 2012 · well if you insist doing it in adb, you can do: adb shell service call package 1 s16 "my. You can easily get a list of group packages by a certain manufacturer, or some. pm command is a package manager which allows you to list, install, uninstal and disable your device packages. adb wait-for-device Apr 10, 2023 · adb shell pm clear [package name] This command clears the data and cache of an app, where the package name is the package name of the app you want to clear. adb shell pm list packages -u Jul 29, 2017 · (Hidden packages are treated as uninstalled packages. google. pop -v 500 to start the Es explorer. adb shell pm list packages <keywords> To find the list of apps along with their associated packages, execute the following. exe shell pm dump TZTY. adb shell list packages (list package names) Dec 21, 2024 · Replace "package_name" with the package name of the app you want to uninstall. adb shell pm list packages -s. adb shell dumpsys Sep 22, 2015 · adb shell pm list packages [options] List of commands. This command provides information about the services that are currently active. adb shell pm list packages -d adb shell pm list The tool provides an entire list of all installed packages available through the adb shell pm command, which gives the user detailed information regarding the apps and packages on the device, including system apps, user-installed apps, and hidden packages. mobeam. adb shell pm list packages -e <FILTER-STR> #Filter to only show enabled packages. To list app packages with specific keyword filters. Syntax: adb Sometimes the command pm list packages does not return all installed applications. adb shell pm list packages -i <FILTER-STR> #See the installer for the packages. intent. adb shell wm density <density> for example adb shell wm density 288. packages=$(adb -s emulator-5554 shell pm list packages -3 | cut -f2 -d':') for TL;DR. The adb shell grants permission to execute Android‘s built-in Linux shell commands directly on a device or emulator. name ## например заблокировать приложение youtube ## блокируются даже системные apk adb shell pm disable-user com. . Step 6: Finding the Package Name for System Apps. This command reboots the device. Jan 3, 2025 · To list all installed packages: adb shell pm list packages. 2 days ago · adb shell list packages (list package names) adb shell list packages -r (list package name + path to apks) adb shell list packages -3 (list third party package names) adb shell list packages -s (list only system packages) adb shell list packages -u (list package names + uninstalled) adb shell dumpsys package packages (list info on all apps) Feb 26, 2020 · To get a list of all packages and last update data you can use adb shell dumpsys package. Background (if somebody's curious): I want to be able to quickly obtain a list of user-apps from any of my devices, without having to revert to acrobatics. calendar ^| grep Activity Jan 12, 2021 · More adb shell commands The Android system is based on the Linux kernel, so many commands in Linux have the same or similar implementations in Android and can be called in adb shell. To list all the installed packages on an Android device, use the following syntax. adb logcat. package" i32 0. For a list of all the available shell programs, use the following command: adb shell ls /system/bin. email So if you take that output and "grep" it for the package name in question, the package is enabled if the output is "empty" and disabled otherwise. Jan 19, 2022 · adb shell pm list packages -u ADB commands to reboot device: While debugging an android device, rebooting the device or rebooting in the recovery mode or bootloader mode is required for operations like sideloading any image or application. Dec 5, 2018 · How I can get the list of all installed on my Android 8 packages using ADB Shell? I preference to query Sqlite base, but accept any command-line solution. Is there a way to know activity names from the apk file? I can get the apk file name from the package my using . apppackage and I don't want to do it even by using adb shell pm uninstall com. adb reboot. pm list features: prints all features of the system. Retrieve the main activity using adb shell dumpsys package or adb shell dumpsys window. Oct 18, 2012 · I have adb running and device is connected to my system in debugging mode,. I want to uninstall app using intent launch using adb shell am start <INTENT>. This command allows you to interact with the device’s window manager. apppackage Using package manager (pm) Within an adb shell, you can issue commands with the package manager (pm) tool to perform actions and queries on application packages installed on the device. To list only 3rd-party packages Nov 28, 2024 · adb shell list packages (list package names) adb shell list packages -r (list package name + path to apks) adb shell list packages -3 (list third party package names) adb shell list packages -s (list only system packages) adb shell list packages -u (list package names + uninstalled) adb shell dumpsys package packages (list info on all apps) May 26, 2017 · I'm developing an application that uses ADB Shell to interface with android devices, and I need some way of printing out the application name or label of an application, given maybe their package n Dec 27, 2020 · I tried running this command pm list packages > package. Get Screen density. ) Switch to default user - 'adb shell am switch-user USER_ID' (USER_ID = 0, in my case) Follow and filter lines that indicate an intent is being broadcast. See full list on technastic. Jul 21, 2020 · pm list packages -u > all_packages. Share. Clear app data. adb adb shell am start -a android. Sep 30, 2024 · C:\Windows\system32>adb shell pm list users Users: UserInfo{0:Owner:13} running C:\Windows\system32>adb shell pm list packages package:com. Connect device over USB cable and Enable USB Debugging in device 3. ADB commands can also help bypass certain restrictions set by Android: 12. Learn how to manage apps, permissions, users, and more for a smoother Android experience. I entered TWRP recovery, mounted all partitions, and connected through ADB shell. name 500. command. Syntax: adb shell pm list packages [options] <FILTER> Example: adb shell pm list packages adb shell pm path. Adb useful commands list. Launch an app. apk) on your device. ADB or Android Debug Bridge is a command line tool that allows communication between an Android device and a computer. com List installed applications. adb get-serialno. Here are some additional ADB shell commands: Open hidden menu and select "enable": adb shell cmd package list packages | awk -F: ' {print $2} ' | sort. This is what I get when I try to find out what's enabled/disabled: Dive deep into Android package management with our comprehensive guide. apk file for the test package. ADB shell commands list, ADB Shell commands are a bit more advanced than those of regular ADB. -d: only list dangerous permissions. name] If app is already installed then above command will return, package:[your. Nov 7, 2024 · Package Management: Command: adb shell dumpsys package <package_name> Keynote: We can use it for whole system as well as for specific packages; Purpose: Provides details about installed packages, their permissions, and the components (activities, services, receivers) they contain. adb shell pm list packages adb shell pm list packages -f See their associated file. For example: Feb 28, 2025 · Call package manager (pm) Within an adb shell, you can issue commands with the package manager (pm) tool to perform actions and queries on app packages installed on the device. This command clears all data for a specified application, effectively resetting it. adb shell pm list packages -i. adb shell pm list packages. adb uninstall your. adb shell list packages (list package names) adb shell list packages -r (list package name + path to apks) adb shell list packages -3 (list third party package names) adb shell list packages -s (list only system packages) adb shell list packages -u (list package names + uninstalled) adb shell dumpsys package packages (list info Android ADB Cheat Sheet¶. package]" Dec 16, 2024 · Retrieve the package name using adb shell pm list packages or the mCurrentFocus command. adb shell am start -n / This command allows you to start a specific activity Jun 6, 2024 · ADB commands cheat sheet - Learn the Android adb toolk with this Tutorial containing Flags, & adb Command Examples. The following commands print the names of all app packages installed on your Android device. app. adb shell pm clear . adb shell pm list packages -3 <FILTER-STR> #Filter to only show third party packages. Command is `adb shell pm list packages | grep "{{query}}"` Click here to learn more about Commands. txt) do adb shell pm uninstall %%a This pipes the output of the pm list packages command into a text file and then loops through each line of the text file. To list all packages: adb shell pm list packages. Mar 17, 2013 · adb shell pm list packages %1 > packages. A list of their package names I can retrieve using adb shell pm list -3, but as those are package names only, recognizing apps is a guess-work. aodanimated adb shell pm list packages TZTY. Feb 2, 2018 · Sure, you might not have permissions to list the contents of that directory, but you can find the file locations of APKs with: adb shell pm list packages -f Then you can use adb pull: adb pull <APK path from previous command> and then aapt to get the information you want: aapt dump badging <pulledfile. VIEW adb shell am broadcast -a 'my_action' adb shell am start -a android. To uninstall system apps, you may need to know their exact package names. Use this command to display all installed package names on the device. For Windows, you can use the findstr command instead of grep. adb shell pm list packages -d: Lists all the disabled apps on your device as package names. For more information about command options for Monkey, see the complete UI/Application Exerciser Monkey documentation page. This is one of the most famous commands. Download the latest version of the platform-tools (about 8 MB), If you installed Android Studio (Android SDK), the default path is C:\Users\YOUR-NAME\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk in Windows. To get a list only system packages. name] adb shell pm disable-user app. Help is available for most of the commands. Compare them and the uncommon entries in the second list would be the packages you are looking for. For example: adb shell pm list packages | grep Mar 17, 2021 · adb shell pm list packages -3: Lists all the 3rd party apps installed on your device as package names. Aug 14, 2020 · adb shell pm list packages | grep -i TZTY. adb shell pm list packages should do the job. adb shell pm list packages -s Filter to only show system packages. I then switched the user via - Get the user id - 'adb shell pm list users' (mostly the id will be '0' for the default user, which was my case. Is there a simple way for me to sort the adb listed packages from newest Dec 11, 2023 · To remove an installed app, specify its package name with the adb uninstall command. It is very verbose, so it's likely that you have some filtering to do. This script extracts the action (act), category (cat), flags (flg), and package (pkg) from the intent and constructs an adb shell am broadcast command. ) On an unrooted device, make a list of all the packages and then all the packages plus the hidden ones. package. I used the Pydroid app to run the code and all the text files are saved on my downloads folder. Download a file from the device adb shell pm list packages -f. Accessing the Shell: You can access the shell of your Android device using ADB to run various commands. Mar 25, 2021 · I am running this command: adb shell pm list packages But there are a lot of packages. This command displays the logcat output of the device, which can help with debugging and troubleshooting. Jan 14, 2025 · To clear the app data of an application, use the command "adb shell pm clear <package_name>", where <package_name> is the unique identifier for the app you want to reset. You can use it to display/hide the status bar, change the DPI, etc. Apr 3, 2019 · Other Commands. dev from a blog post written by one of our engineers! Dec 13, 2014 · Objective: List all the installed packages on an Android phone through an ADB shell. Sep 28, 2020 · Use pm. adb shell pm list packages -f "my Nov 24, 2024 · List Installed Apps Command: adb shell pm list packages. adb. ADB can control your device over USB from a computer, copy files back and forth, install and uninstall apps, run shell commands, and more. there's an adb command for showing all packages list which includes hidden packages also: adb shell pm list packages -u But, I want to get list of only packages which are hidden in the android with adb shell pm hide 'package. List Connected Android Devices. Android package management is done by the pm command on the ADB shell. Emulate Screen Size and Density. Connect device and PC to the same network 2. Once you have the package name, you can extract more detailed information using: adb shell dumpsys | grep -A18 "Package [my. adb shell pm clear [package] // Deletes all data associated with a package. To grant a specific permission: adb shell pm grant package. While in a shell, the pm syntax is: The adb shell pm list packages command prints all packages installed on the Android device or emulator. txt pm list packages -s > debloated_system_packages. name permission. adb shell pm list packages [your. You can Feb 2, 2019 · The app likely just uses the disable or hide command, but I am not sure what I misclicked, so I need to get a list or currently disabled apps or reenable all apps. To get a list of all the apps on the device, enter this command on your Command Prompt or Terminal: adb shell pm list package. adb shell wm density. adb shell wm size <dimens> for example adb shell wm size 640x480. It includes the ADB shell which provides access to a Unix shell on the device to run commands. Memory Usage: Command: adb shell dumpsys meminfo <package_name> 1. adb shell pm list packages -e – This command will show the list of all the enabled apps on your Android phone Oct 30, 2015 · You may skip quotation by escaping the pipe symbol (in Windows cmd style), as otherwise everything after the pipe is executed by the cmd interpreter (instead on the device as intended); the command would then read (without any single/double quotes): adb shell dumpsys package ^| grep -i com. I want to see if the package name is somehow different. exchange package:com. adb shell pm list packages -d – If you want to view the list of all the disabled apps on your device. aodanimated Jun 11, 2016 · pm list packages -d 2>/dev/null will list up all disabled packages, one per line, preceded with the keyword package: – so output looks like. action. adb shell list packages (list package names) adb shell list packages -r (list package name + path to apks) adb shell list packages -3 (list third party package names) adb shell list packages -s (list only system packages) adb shell list packages -u (list package names + uninstalled) adb shell dumpsys package packages (list info Jul 24, 2023 · > adb shell pm list packages package: adb shell wm. package:com. Jul 14, 2023 · for APP in $(adb shell pm list packages -3) do APP=$( echo ${APP} Run the following command: adb shell dumpsys package <packagename> A whole bunch of text will be returned. Oct 20, 2023 · pm isn't part of ADB (or the adb shell) command, but rather an executable shipping with Android: The package manager. When you are done emulating a certain screen, reset to the original settings: adb shell wm size reset. Android Debug Bridge (adb) is a command line tool that lets you communicate with an emulator or connected Android device. The command adb get-state command is used to see the ADB status of a connected device or emulator. apk> adb shell monkey -v -p your. common term. Dec 20, 2023 · COMMAND: EXPLANATION adb shell list packages: list package names adb shell list packages -r: list package name + path to apks adb shell list packages -3: list third party package names adb shell list packages -s: list only system packages adb shell list packages -u: list package names + uninstalled adb shell dumpsys package packages: list info Android ADB Shell Commonds Manual. Apr 21, 2022 · (確認バージョン: Android 12 (S)) pm list packages コマンド adb shell pm list packages コマンドを使用すると、Android デバイスにインストールされているパッケージ (APK) の一覧を取得できます。 パッケージ名は順不同で表示されるので、出力をパイプで sort につなぐと見やすくなります。 $ adb shell pm list Use ADB to search for packages on a Android device. Some key ADB shell commands include pm uninstall to remove apps, pm list packages to view installed apps, dumpsys to view system information, and wm commands to check display Other Commands. Clear Nov 28, 2022 · After searching a little I found way to execute adb shell commands from windows CMD, when executes 'adb shell pm list packages' command the CMD throws this Exception: adb shell <command> Runs the specified command on device (most unix commands work here) adb shell wm size: Displays the current screen resolution: adb shell wm size WxH: Sets the resolution to WxH: adb shell pm list packages: Lists all installed packages: adb shell pm list packages -3: Lists all installed 3rd-party packages: adb shell monkey -p adb shell dumpsys battery: 获取设备电池相关的详细信息,包含电量、充电状态、电池温度等。 adb shell wm size: 获取设备屏幕尺寸信息。 运行 shell 命令: adb shell <command> 在安卓设备的 shell 环境下直接执行指定命令,如adb shell ls 用于查看设备当前目录下的文件列表 Android ADB Shell Commonds Manual. Once detected over USB, run adb tcpip 5555 // this restarts adb in device 4. adb shell pm enable app. txt for /F "tokens=2 delims=:" %%a in (packages. == Lists disabled apps adb shell cmd package list packages -d | cut -f2- -d Oct 26, 2024 · Now let‘s unlock the true power of ADB… Advanced Shell Commands. This command gives you a complete list of all apps installed on your Android device, displaying their package names. txt in adb shell in order to save all installed packages in a text file but I get the following saved in the txt file: cmd: Failure calling service package: Failed transaction (2147483646) Jan 14, 2019 · Other Commands. adb shell settings. When you connect your device to the computer via USB, use this command to verify if adb can find the connected device. Using ADB commands, you can reboot your device, push and pull files, create a backup and restore it, sideload an update zip package, or an APK. This allows incredible control over installed packages, system settings, and low-level configurations. 4. Step 3: Add your desired package name in the below command. name # разблокировка выполняется командой. wedr hczwg yclv exevm ulqfy neir tmop jogztzh zozt wsucw fzbsr lkdkko nclnyf elwf qcxyhvqi